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它一点未来性都没有。It has no future.

前途不明朗?No bright future?

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远景还是幻想?Future or Fantasy?

回到未来?Back to the Future?

将来会是怎么样?What of the future?

每种未来都真实。Each future is real.

欧菲姆是未来…Orpheum is the future.

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未来果真会来到吗?Will the future arrive?

我想想未来就可怕!The future frightens me!

未来在向我们招手。The future is beckoning.

将来会是什么样子的?What the future be like?

我的未来会啥样子呢?What will the future be?

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你前途远大。You have a great future.

练武术有前程吗?A Future In Martial Arts?

是一次面向未来之旅。A journey for the future.

他象征着未来。He symbolised the future.

我为了未来而写作。I do this for the future.

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我的打算?参军。My future plan? Military.

但是那是未来发生的一幕。But that’s for the future.

他们对前途充满希望。He desisted of the future.