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他哑口无言Nothing. Zero.

只要加拨0就可以了。Just dial zero.

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我先将它们调零。I will zero them.

无最大数就是零。Zero if no maximum.

所以我们可以写出上式。So that part is zero.

前导零消隐。Leading zero blanking.

有意义的最低的温度。That's the absolute zero.

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此数字必须为零。This number must be zero.

现在有零级了。There is now a level zero.

零为起始值。Zero is the initial value.

但对什么零容忍呢?。But zero tolerance of what?

全开状态零压降。All open Zero pressure drop.

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确定我清零了-,是的,我清零了。Make sure I zero it-- I did.

和零下20到40℃的气温。And 20-40 degrees below zero.

以初速度为0释放。I release it with zero speed.

可能是零,也可能是数百。It could be zero or hundreds.

现在一个都没有了。Now there is not one -- zero.

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有的乃至是每天吃零蛋。Some even eat every day zero.

水在零度时结冰。Water freezes at zero degree.

我们待会会再讨论这个。You can't get to zero Kelvin.