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对我们同中国的贸易彻底的重新估价。Aradical reappraisal of our trade with China.

毫不畏缩地进行重新评估成本会很高。The cost of this unflinching reappraisal will be large.

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后来,朝鲜战争的结束引起了又一次重新评价的热潮。Then the end of the Korean War produced another spasm of reappraisal.

网络和房地产泡沫使得人们重新估量格林斯潘先生的职业生涯。The dotcom and housing bubbles led to a reappraisal of Mr Greenspan's career.

澄清这一时期中外关系复杂的性质,对中国近代史研究具有重要意义。The reappraisal of Qing's diplomacy is important in the modern Chinese history's study.

"认知重新评价",是用健康的思想习惯取代扭曲的思想习惯的过程。Cognitive reappraisal is the process of replacing your distorted thought habits with healthy ones.

本文提出了材料再生循环指标的概念,并利用材料再生循环指标对金属资源寿命重新进行评估。The material recirculation index is brought into this article to be used for reappraisal of the metal reso.

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认知重评和表达抑制是最常用且最有效的情绪调节策略。Cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression are the most common and useful emotion regulation strategies.

但是,重新评价和认同比压抑有效多了,并且重新评价显得特别有效。However, reappraisal and acceptance were more effective than suppression, and reappraisal seemed to be especially effective.

对于这个问题的认识促使人们重新评价了贸易政策,并导致了改革,以提高效率推动经济增长。Recognition of this has encouraged some reappraisal of trade policies and led to certain reforms to promote efficiency and growth.

紧张关系从喜马拉雅地区蔓延到南印度洋地区,迫使印度重新评估外部威胁。The tensions, which extend from the Himalayas to the southern Indian Ocean, are forcing a reappraisal of India's external threats.

最终,这将得出对该经历的重新评价,更少的武断和不堪重负,更具意义和幸存感。Ultimately, this may lead to a reappraisal of the experience as less arbitrary and overwhelming, and more meaningful and survivable.

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只有到树木接近轮伐期时,对所选的每株树木的育种值,应作反复多次的评价,才有可能获得最大的效益。Maximum efficiency is obtained by the continous reappraisal of the breading- value of each selected tree as it approaches rotation age.

而且我预测,如果欧洲或者是非北约成员国日本遭受攻击-我们被迫响应介入是痛苦的评估过程。My prognosis if we are expected to strike in response to an attack on Europe—or for that matter non-NATO member Japan—is "agonizing reappraisal."

刚出炉的数据显示了好于预期的复苏,似乎印证了罗兰贝格和麦肯锡对欧洲经济表现做出的重新评估。Fresh numbers show a stronger-than-expected recovery—which would seem to confirm Berger's and McKinsey's reappraisal of European economic performance.

上周,我在哥伦比亚大学凯文•奥什纳博士的神经学实验室呆了一个下午,尝试了他所谓的“认知再评价”。Last week, I spent an afternoon in Kevin Ochsner's neuroscience lab at Columbia University in New York, practicing what he calls 'cognitive reappraisal.

彭博社13日援引美国核官员称,从日本此次核灾难中,世界各国或许该对其核能扩展计划进行重新评估。Global expansion of nuclear power may draw a reappraisal as the world watches Japan suffer a nuclear tragedy, Bloomberg reported Sunday citing a US atomic official.

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近年中国大陆和香港的妇女史研究者都强调本土探索的重要性,并对西方女性主义史学作出检讨。Researchers on women's history in both mainland China and Hong Kong have in recent years stressed the importance of indigenous inquiries and the reappraisal of Western feminist historiography.