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吴国的国王居然被楚国的无名小辈女王杀死了!The king of Wu has been slain by an undistinguished young queen!

品牌是平庸但又渴望超越小资们的一只绣花枕头。Brand seems like"a embroidered pillow", undistinguished but ambitious to exceed petty bourgeoisie.

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从墨西哥战争至美国内战之间,两人在职业生涯中都表现平平。The careers of both men had been undistinguished between the Mexican War and the American Civil War.

1902年,塞西尔·罗兹48岁,拥有辉煌的事业,却处于弥留之际。In 1902 , as he lay dying at the age of 48, Cecil Rhodes could look back on a not undistinguished career.

于是我从碎石堆里捡拾了一块作为纪念品——一块废弃的难以辨认的水泥装饰品。I retrieved a small piece from the ruins as a memento – an undistinguished chunk of cast concrete decoration.

纵观大多数以美国总统为题材的电影并不出众的历史,其对真相的关注一直并不充分。Through most of the undistinguished history of films about American presidents, concern for truth has been in short supply.

出生于生育高峰的人,在成年后承诺行动主义,只是一代政治上平庸的一代。The baby boomers , who entered adulthood promising a lifetime of activism, have been a politically undistinguished generation.

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实际上,关于去年大都会艺术博物馆的毕加索馆藏作品展,批评之一就是展品的平庸。Indeed, one criticism of the Met’s Picasso show last year was that the museum’s holdings included much that was undistinguished.

许多中国人仍然断定老虎是普通的混血动物,而且是以混种的方法来形成的。Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel, and that miscegenation is the way forward.

用于新药促销方面的巨额投资不仅导致了不加区别地使用药,同时也提高了药品的成本。Heavy investment used in promotion of new drugs has not only led to the use of undistinguished new drugs but also raised the cost of the drugs.

投篮机器萨沙武贾西奇可能是非官方认定的“NBA最不受喜爱的球员”称号的最终得主。Sasha "The Machine" Vujacic might be the unofficial winner of the undistinguished award for "Most disliked player in the NBA. " Fans don't like him.

艾略特是一位地产经纪人的小女儿,在靠近华立克郡纽尼顿镇的一个寂静不起眼的小村庄里度过童年。Eliot was the younger daughter of a land agent spending her early years in a sleepy undistinguished village near the town of nuneaton in warwickshire.

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更不去争春,只在夏末秋初,立身不耀眼的季节,结满一树的佳果。I have no intention to contend with others for spring scenery but stand at the undistinguished turn of summer and autumn and bear a treeful excellent fruits.

为能在2008年北京奥运会前一改北京过去平凡而难看的市容,北京政府从全球各地请来享誉盛名的建筑师打造新城市景观。Hoping to improve its undistinguished and often ugly cityscape before the 2008 Olympics, Beijing officials brought in some big-name architects from around the globe.

这些国家不管是在非洲、亚洲还是拉美,有很大一部分都是中国的商业合作伙伴,还有一些的“国家治理不当指数”长期位居前列。From Africa to Asia to Latin America, these include a notable list of Chinese commercial partners, some of the most undistinguished performers on the Failed States Index.

当地的一些商家会在节日期间摆摊,但兜售的食物和纽约其他展览会上卖的大同小异——兑水太多的桑格利亚汽酒、油腻腻的玉米甜饼夹奶酪、普通的意大利香肠炒辣椒。Some local businesses run stands, but much of what’s offered is what’s at street fairs across the city — watery sangria, greasy mozzarepas, undistinguished sausage and peppers.