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你认为维亚纳怎么样?What do you think of Vienna?

音乐缭绕于整个维也纳。Music fills the air in Vienna.

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维也纳开发方法?。VDM? Vienna Development Method?

维亚纳的气候如何?How about the climate in Vienna?

在这儿比在维也纳自在多了。More at home here than in Vienna.

这位男高音被奉为名人。The tenor was lionized in Vienna.

我报名客读于维也攀大学。I enrolled at University of Vienna.

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洪谦是维也纳学派的成员之一。Hong Qian was a member of Vienna School.

场景发生在后二战时期的维也纳。It takes place in post World War II Vienna.

柏林位于伦敦、里加和维也纳之间。Berlin lies between London, Rega and Vienna.

麦克和他的女朋友黛西现在正在维也纳。Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy.

维也纳的咖啡文化同样闻名天下。Vienna is also famous for its coffee culture.

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迷人的维也纳与经济思想史Fascinating Vienna and the History of Economics

中国驻维也纳总领事馆也。It was the Consulate-General of China to Vienna.

星期六有飞往维也纳的直达班机吗?Be there a non- stop flight to Vienna on Saturday?

在维也纳,狄克特就在弗洛伊德的隔壁开业Dichter had practiced next door to Freud in Vienna

当然,久负盛名的咖啡厅也令维也纳闻名于世。Vienna is also world-renown for its coffee houses.

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当日,为期四天的维也纳老爷车展在当地开幕。The four-day show kicked off in Vienna on Thursday.

维也纳是在多瑙河边的一个美丽的老城市。Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Dunube.

维也纳反驳道“我整个周末根本没见到你。”Vienna retorts, "I didn't even see you all weekend.