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我能做四周后空翻吗?Can I do a quadruple back flip?

是的,舍瓦补充说,切尔西四冠王的梦想在继续。Yes, Shevchenko added, the Chelsea Quadruple was on.

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伴随着周五的日子接近午夜翻两番昏迷。With Friday's quadruple witching day being near comatose.

我昨天看了男子四人双桨决赛,很精彩。I watched the final of men's quadruple sculls . It was wonderful.

克林顿在2004年已经做过了四冠状动脉搭桥手术。Mr. Clinton had quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in 2004.

把增音机间隔缩小一半,就能使带宽增加三倍。Halving the repeater spacing made it possible to quadruple the bandwidth.

该项目还计划在10年内使大学数量增加三倍,达到1,500所。It also plans to quadruple the number of universities to 1,500 in 10 years.

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双桨赛艇项目包括单人双桨、双人双桨和四人双桨。Sculling events include the single sculls, double sculls and quadruple sculls.

他刚经过心脏四重搭桥手术,宣告个人破产。He has undergone quadruple bypass surgery and has declared personal bankruptcy.

可口可乐还表示,如使用不含4-MI的成分将使可乐价格增加三倍。It added that using a 4-MI-free ingredient would quadruple the cost of the soft drink.

业内人士预测中国的航空事业将会在未来20年内飞速呈四倍速度增长。Industry insiders predict China's airliner fleet will quadruple over the next 20 years.

皮尤研究中心发现,负责养家的母亲数量自1960年以来翻了四倍。The Pew Research center finds that share of bread winning moms has quadruple since 1960.

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现正着手建立义大利21岁以下阵容的佐拉觉得四冠王仍然是有可能的。Zola, who is now involved in the Italy Under-21 set-up, feels the quadruple is still on.

可依需要选定三轴或四轴式,来增加生产效力。Select triple spindle or quadruple spindle accordingly to increase production efficiency.

而且,拥有可上网无线手机的用户的百分比将会翻两番。Moreover, the percentage of subscribers with Internet-ready wireless handsets will quadruple.

在明年,拥有可上网手机订户的百分比将会翻两番。The percentage of subscribers with Internet-ready handsets will quadruple over the next year.

2010年上半年通用在中国的销售额是福特公司的四倍。G.M.s sales in China in the first half of 2010 were quadruple those of the Ford Motor Company.

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米克尔相信切尔西会以前无古人的四冠王来结束本赛季。John Obi Mikel is convinced Chelsea can finish the season by winning an unprecedented Quadruple.

本文设计了一个应用在全息成像系统中的W波段的微带四次谐波混频器。In this paper, A quadruple subharmonic mixer used in holographic imaging system at W band is designed.

就像我常说的,为了成功,你必须以两倍三倍甚至四倍于过去失败的速率学习。As I always say, in order to succeed, you have to double, triple, and even quadruple your failure rate.