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乖乖跟爷们上京里去吧!Obediently to Beijing where a with the menfolk go!

除此之外,一走进更多的物体同志洗澡,炎热的一天充满了赤裸裸的年轻人和老年人聚集男人。Beyond that one comrade walked more objects baths, hot day full of naked young and old gather menfolk.

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由于男人们都去了战场,女人们第一次在男性专属的职业和运动中一展身手。With the menfolk away at war, women got their first crack at the male preserves of employment and sport.

尽管世世代代的男人们做出了无数努力,这种年轻女孩阿米巴团体却一直无法被分散。Despite the best efforts of menfolk across a thousand generations, this adolescent female amoeba cannot be dispelled.

你听过用竹筒敲击出来的高山族男人们那一份狂欢与豪放吗!Have you ever heard of the bold and unconstrained bamboo drum performance presented by the menfolk of Gaoshan nationality?

在伊斯兰中,行经期妇女可以正常进行日常生活,甚至可以享受加倍的疼爱,尊重,并受到她丈夫的呵护。A menstruating woman in Islam practices her normal life and even enjoys extra love, respect, and protection from her menfolk.

拓荒的女性确实很有男子气概,要做繁重的家务,还要和男人一起在田里辛勤劳作。Pioneer women were veritable amazons performing heavy house-hold chores in addition to toiling in the fields beside their menfolk.

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这些妇女的丈夫通常都外出找工作去了,有的则加入武装冲突,剩下她们自己孤苦伶仃,饱受燃料和化肥费用猛增的冲击。These women, whose menfolk often leave to seek work or to join in armed conflicts, have been hit by soaring fuel and fertiliser costs.

张忠霞的酒量在圈里是出了名的,混在男人堆里没人敢举杯。Zhang’s drinking capacity for liquor is well-known in the circle and menfolk do not dare to challenge her for drinking if they are together.

哥伦比亚佩雷拉市的黑帮暴力活动十分猖獗。目前,为了抵制犯罪和暴力活动,该市黑帮成员的妻子和女友们发起了一项“性罢工”运动,目的是劝说她们的丈夫或男友放下手中的武器。Fretting over crime and violence, girlfriends and wives of gang members in the Colombian city of Pereira have called a ban on sex to persuade their menfolk to give up the gun.

母亲、妻子和女儿经常被她们的男性家族成员强令穿着这些“侮辱性”的外套,如若不然,她们就会受到毁容、殉教、暴打等种种威胁。Mothers, wives, and daughters have been threatened with acid in the face, or honor-killing, or vicious beating, if they do not adopt the humiliating outer clothing that is mandated by their menfolk.