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厨房是白色的漆和互相垂直的不锈钢。The kitchen is unperceived in a white lacquer and stainless steel orthogonal form.

物质层成了一个阴影实相,很长时间未被灵魂发觉。Physicality became a shadow reality that went unperceived for a long time on the part of soul.

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这么做,你可以理解并随后避免在时间更快情况下可能无法察觉到的问题。In so doing, one can understand and then ward off problems that would go unperceived if time were moving faster.

这些力量并未被察觉,地球也并不了解如何来反平衡以矫正损失。These forces were unperceived and there was no understanding of what to do in counterbalance to rectify the loss.

我的朋友,我的“真我”居留于沉默之屋,那里无人知晓,也永远无法企及。The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remine for ever more, unperceived , unapproachable.

遗传资料的丢失是逐代发生的,因此那些监控提升的红族男女祭司当时并没有察觉。The loss of genetic materials was generational and therefore went unperceived by the priests and priestesses overseeing ascension.

斐利亚福克还没来得及阻止,这个大胆的小伙子已经打开一个车窗溜到车厢下面去了,他没有被西乌人看见。Mr Fogg had not time to stop the brave fellow, who, opening a door unperceived by the Indians, succeeded in slipping under the car.

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结果,业力因全息操控之原始致因的未被察觉而在后来的历史上再次重复。As a result, the karma repeated again in later history as the original cause, which was a holographic manipulation, went unperceived.

这会带来的巨大问题与牵连当时并没有得到察觉,而12名大头颅大师确实在诞下后代之后就提升了。The vast implications and problems that this would caused went unperceived , and the 12 Grand Masters did ascend leaving their children behind.

这些是真的未知、隐藏在未来的潜在不确定、任何人都无法感知直到它侵袭并带来意外的冲击。These are the true unknowns, where uncertainty lurks hidden in the future, unperceived by everyone until it strikes and delivers its surprise impact.

引起这些的广大影响和问题未被察觉,而十二个幸存的大师们提升,丢下了他们的孩子。The vast implications and problems that this would cause went unperceived , and the twelve remaining Grand Masters did ascend leaving their children behind.

如果我们拥有基于其作出再次识别的可满足的最好标准,那么我们知道独立持存的对象。If we know that the best criteria we have for the re-identification of particulars have been satisfied, then we know that objects continue to exist unperceived.

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在珂赛特的亲切命令下,冉阿让笑了之后,乘人不备,立刻站起身来,没有人察觉,他走到了候客室。Immediately after having laughed, at Cosette's graceful command, when no one was paying any heed to him, Jean Valjean had risen and had gained the antechamber unperceived.

这个宇宙存在于黑暗的状态里,未被察觉,剥夺了与众不同的标记,推理难以达到,不可知,完全地沉思。正如所说,是在沉睡里面。This universe existed in the shape of darkness, unperceived , destitute of distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it were, in deep sleep.

所有这些,我如是被告知,都隐藏着给专为漫不经心的鸟儿设计的圈套与罗网,个个在劫难逃,对其习惯思维与美好传统的颠覆形成难以察觉的挑战。All of them, I have been told, contain snares and nets for careless birds, and an almost constant, unperceived challenge to reverse one's habitual estimations and esteemed habits.