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它是原始数据。It is raw data.

数据是有据可依的。Data is factual.

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我们没有任何数据。We have no data.

关注公共数据。Mine public data.

只是聚合数据?Aggregate Data Only?

什么是数据挖掘?What is data mining?

数据是否为常量?Is the data constant?

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内核文本和数据。Kernal text and data.

数据对象的大小。Size of data objects.

视频数据单元?。VDU? Video Data Unit?

对撞机就是这样。Collider data do that.

我希望不限流量的数据。I want unlimited data.

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语音数据登录?。VDE? Voice Data Entry?

很让人痛心。It's very tearing data.

数据源描述。Data source description.

预处理源数据。Pre-process source data.

推还是拉数据?Pushing or pulling data?

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可变数据区?。VDA? Variable Data Area?

音频数据显示器?。VDD? Voice Data Display?

什么是数据网络?What is the Web of data?