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新诺福克。New Norfolk.

诺福克岛。Norfolk Island.

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诺福克是一个环境优美的城市,我所就读的大学尤为如此。Norfolk is a beautifully neighbored city, my university in particular.

然后沿着来了一个年轻的,受伤,追星族,从诺福克美丽的女孩。Then along came a young, wounded, starstruck, beautiful girl from Norfolk.

这两张照片是剑桥公爵夫人11月初拍摄于诺福克家中。They were taken by The Duchess in early November at their home in Norfolk.

诺福克警察局警官阿莫斯透露说,福格蒂的汇款单最后没有被换成现金,它将被裱起来在警察局的博物馆�展出。Fogarty's money order will not be cashed, Norfolk police Officer Amos said.

在诺福克格兰德福德鸟景画廊举行的照片展将持续到7月25日。The exhibition runs until July 25 at Birdscapes Gallery in Glandford, Norfolk

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这些领域的诺福克,剑桥郡仍然如此强劲在我的记忆中。Those fields of Norfolk and Cambridge shire are still so strong in my memory.

古德曼说这位“天才的数学家”来诺福克郡是为了学习英语。Mr Goodman said the 'gifted mathematician' had gone to Norfolk to learn English.

到了1870年代末,桉树,诺福克岛松,竹子以及香蕉树在岛上存活了下来,其他树种都死掉了。By the late 1870s, eucalyptus, Norfolk Island pine, bamboo, and banana had taken hold.

想想今年南诺弗克公司和CSX公司为兼并康雷公司所花的102亿美元吧。Consider the 10.2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year.

5年前,他和他的哥哥在霍尔特的小诺福克镇买了一家书店。Five years ago, he and his brother bought a bookshop in the small Norfolk town of Holt.

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到了19世纪70年代后期,桉树,诺福克岛松树,竹子,香蕉全都密密麻麻成长起来。By the late 1870s, eucalyptus, Norfolk Island pine, bamboo, and banana had all run riot.

所以我要去诺福克监狱属地,先只是通过我的阅读申请提议。So I had come to the Norfolk Prison Colony still going through only book-reading motions.

苏格兰和新赫布里底群岛的一种高大常绿树种,类似于小叶南洋杉。Very tall evergreen of new caledonia and the new hebrides similar to norfolk island pine.

它是不能在诺福克海军的车站室领域的西繁华区回过头的。It was unable to turn around at the West end of Chambers Field at the Norfolk Naval Station.

她花了她的童年在桑德灵厄姆豪斯,她的父母在弗吉尼亚州诺福克的国家遗产很多。She spent much of her childhood at Sandringham House , her parents' country estate in Norfolk.

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他是第十一世诺福克公爵,乔治三世最强大的对手之一,也是他重建了阿伦德尔城堡。A staunch opponent of George III, the 11th Duke of Norfolk rebuilt and refurbished Arundel Castle.

德国作家泽巴尔德直到2001年死前一直深深沉思着英国家乡诺福克。Sebald, a German writer who, until his death in 2001, mused so much about his British home in Norfolk.

在我9岁,我们家在诺福克定居下来时,我的母亲带我去参加一个舞蹈班,我马上就迷上了弗拉门戈。My mother took me to a dance class after we settled in Norfolk when I was about nine, and I was hooked.