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无力的,恩。Powerless. Uh huh.

痛恨自己无能为力或被轻视Hates being powerless or trivialized

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他那软弱的胳臂没力气地放了下来。His feeble arm dropped powerless down.

你在无能无力中老去,画地为牢。You end up feeling incapable, powerless.

“拥有这些电信设备”,我却无能为力。With all these "teles, " I was powerless.

丧失能力的人不会改变世界。And powerless people don't change the world.

面对那样的势力,人们黔驴技穷。We are powerless in the face of such forces.

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恐惧是无力的,快乐蕴含在冒险中。Fear is powerless. And joy lies in taking risks.

你这种手无缚鸡之力的人没有呆在这里的资格!You who are powerless are not worthy to set foot here!

作家完全无力招架评论家。Authors are totally powerless in the face of reviewers.

这些村民门无力反抗武装入侵者。The villagers are powerless against the armed invaders.

机械式的节支手指,拨动着最无力的反抗。My mechanical fingers exchange the powerless resistance.

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请看人类反抗命运的意志是多么脆弱无力啊!See how powerless is the human will against predestination !

像一只残酷的手抓住了我,使我无力抵抗——我无助的灵魂啊!O cruel hands thar hold me powerless — O helpless soul of me!

她们的社区无力保护她们,因此她们只好逃亡。Their communities are powerless to protect them and so they flee.

我是一个计较机懒鬼——无力抗拒网络的诱惑。I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet.

如果认为决议已经剥夺了王权,那就全错了。It's totally false that the proclamation has made the king powerless.

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这虽没有打倒我,但吓傻了我,使我觉得自己无能,可恨。It didn't break me, but it left me petrified, powerless and resentful.

何提供的骡子力不从心和安全带来了她的畜栏。José rendered the mule powerless and brought her safely to the corral.

黏性、粘著、胶黏的物质在她面前变得任由摆怖。Viscous, sticky, gummy matter has been rendered powerless against her.