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终于给我找到那本董桥的书了。I have finally found the book by Tung Chiao.

焦立中说,这张照片中的美景对他而言就如同梦境。This photo to me is about dreaming, Chiao said.

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焦立中说,这两名候选人似乎都支持空间探索活动。Both candidates seem to support space exploration, Chiao said.

嘉宾讲员乔宏太太将分享她在生命中与神同行的经历。Mrs. Hong Chiao is invited to be our celebrity speaker on sharing her walk with God.

交大昂立表示,上述内容不会给公司新增资产损失。LP National Chiao Tung University, said the content will not give the company additional asset losses.

排名进步最多的则是交通大学,一口气提升了62个名次,获得327名。National Chiao Tung University that improved the most increased by 62 places and was 327th in the world rankings.

本文简要介绍上海交大最近建成的空泡水筒概况。The recently completed cavitation tunnel of the Shanghai Chiao Tung University is briefly outlined in this paper.

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但在这项理论接受检视之前,乔瑞宇可能已经完成实验,并解决了这些问题。By the time the theory is vetted , though, Chiao will probably have conducted his experiment and settled the question.

美国航天局的前宇航员焦立中说,在与世隔绝的环境中保持清醒的另一个关键的就是要做一些有意义的事。The other key to staying sane in an isolated environment is meaningful work, Leroy Chiao said, a former NASA astronaut.

华裔宇航员焦立中作为美国宇航局“远征十队”指挥官,于2004年10月至2005年4月在国际空间站工作和生活了半年多的时间。Chiao lived aboard the International Space Station from October 2004 to April 2005 as commander of NASA's Expedition 10.

在尼克松处理白宫事务的时候,乔和我利用第一天的谈判时间逐行审查现有的草案,肯定我们已经达成协议的部分。Chiao and I spent the first day of negotiation going through the existing draft line by line to confirm what was already agreed.

在上面这张照片中,我们看到埃及的纳赛尔湖在阳光下闪烁。Egypt's Lake Nasser glimmers in the sun in a photograph taken by NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao from the International Space Station.

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拥有钻石公寓、酒仙公寓及和乔丽晶公寓、丽都公寓等高档外销公寓。Owned diamond apartments, apartment and wine and Chiao Richland apartments, apartments and other high-grade export Lido apartment.

焦立中表示,在决定给谁投票时,他考虑了国家面临的所有情况,而不仅仅是空间项目的前景。Chiao said he considered all the issues facing the nation -- not just the future of the space program -- in deciding whom to vote for.

乔瑞宇还记得,小时候住在上海时,哥哥制作了一部矿石收音机,调整好后叫他来试用看看。Raymond Chiao remembers the day, during his childhood in Shanghai, when his brother built a crystal radio set and invited him to try it.

Chiao教授指出,在男性看来具有吸引力的候选人在当年的议会选举中得到的选票也较多。Candidates who were perceived as more attractive by men were more likely to win votes in the actual Congressional election, Prof Chiao noted.

焦立中回忆说,正当湖面反射出太阳光的瞬间他按下了快门,这时的纳赛尔湖看上去就像是液态的金属。"I was able to shoot this photo just as the sun was reflecting off of the water, making it appear to be liquid metal, " Chiao said in a statement.

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隔壁的科学园是两个台湾的科学与工程强国,国立交通大学和国立清华大学。Nextdoor to the science park are two of Taiwan's science and engineeringpowerhouses, National Chiao Tung University and National Tsing HuaUniversity.

走在交大的校园里,想起母校那一夏的太阳花,心中充满亲切和感激。Walking in the campus of National Chiao Tung University, his alma mater, which reminds me of summer sunflowers, hearts full of affection and gratitude.

一轮满月悬挂在地球大气层的边缘。焦立中说,这张照片中的美景对他而言就如同梦境。A full moon skirts the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, or limb, in this photo by astronaut Leroy Chiao. "This photo to me is about dreaming," Chiao said.