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尽管下雨他仍来了。He came notwithstanding the rain.

尽管下雨,各队仍然比赛。The teams played on, notwithstanding the rain.

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然而可拉的众子没有死亡。Notwithstanding the children of Korah died not.

尽管已近午夜,他还是回家去了。He still went home, notwithstanding the midnight.

尽管天气很糟,比赛还是照常进行。Notwithstanding the bad weather, the match went on.

尽管我的合很淘气,我还是很爱他。Notwithstanding his naughtiness, I love my little boy.

无论如何地,离愁依依?Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.

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尽管天气很坏,该船仍然按时到达。Notwithstanding the bad weather, the ship arriver on schedule.

所有的商人,任何习惯相反的notwithstanding.and或特权Merchant,any to all custom or privilege to the contrary notwithstanding.and

即使你方厂家再进行解释,我方抱怨是完全正当的。Therefore our complaint fully justify notwithstanding your maker explanation.

尽管如果,文件目前是草案,可以通过EDQM帮助台提交意见。Notwithstanding the above, the document can be commented on via the EDQM helpdesk.

尽管有我的呵护,这些凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光.Hitherto the withering flowers can’t withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.

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尽管有契约支付的请求,但是选任是随时可以撤销的。The appointment is revocable at any time, notwithstanding the claim to contractual payment.

她的同谋者,尽管想出了他那怯懦的策略,为了这件逃脱的事还是吃了苦头。Her accomplice suffered for his share in the escape, notwithstanding his timid contrivances.

所有订单依据顾客规格包装无论大小订单都获此待遇。All orders are packed to our customers' specifications notwithstanding the size of the order.

而美联社将其报导为“肉色”,但是我们第一夫人的肤色和他们说的“肉色”可不符。Associated Press said it was "flesh-coloured", the colour of Obama's own flesh notwithstanding.

一个人可拥有土地,尽管他人对土地具有地役权,诸如通行权。A person may own land notwithstanding that another has an easement, such as a right of way, over it.

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然而他们还是不听父亲的话,因为耶和华想要杀他们。Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their father, because the LORD would slay them.

真的该和夏说再见了么?无论如何地,离愁依依?Should I really bid adieu to this summer? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.

海岛FDY75D丝虽有经编织机上有零星需求,但是购买力不如前期。Island FDY75D notwithstanding sporadic demand on warp-knitting machine, but purchasing power than early.