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研究了应用于WCDMA直放站中的基于模拟预失真技术的功率放大器。An analog predistortion power amplifier used in WCDMA repeater is developed.

因此,无记忆预失真器不能校正放大器的记忆非线性失真。So tranditional memoryless predistortion can not compensate memory nonlinear distortion of PA.

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提出了一种功放线性度可调的数字基带直接预失真线性化技术方法。A digital direct predistortion method with a variable linear degrees of power amplifiers is presented.

目前,射频预失真是宽带直放站所采用的主要功放线性化技术。RF predistortion is the main power amplifier linearization technique used for wideband repeater at present.

在数字基带预失真技术中,本文着重研究了增益预失真的自适应问题。This paper pays attention on LUT index technique and adaptative algorithm of digital baseband predistortion.

提出一种基于2阶低频互调干扰信号的一种预失真线性化器。This paper presents a new predistortion linearizer which uses the 2nd order low frequency intermodulation signal.

接着介绍了常用的功率放大器的线性化技术,例如预失真和前馈技术,重点介绍了预失真技术。Some common linearization techniques, such as feedback, feed-forward and pre-distortion, have been introduced and predistortion has been especially described.

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综述了线性功率放大器的发展与现状,并分别介绍了当前已在应用的预失真法、前馈法和组合模块法线性功放的原理及电路。This paper presents the development and status of linear power amplifier. Principle and circuit of predistortion feedforward and building blocks are introduced.

设计了一种双功率管互补式预失真功率放大器,并给出了温度补偿偏置电压的具体设计电路。A kind of predistortion power amplifier by two radio frequency transistors reciprocal compensating was designed. And the temperature compensation circuit was presented.

目前,相对于前馈和反馈等线性化技术,基带数字预失真技术是性价比较好的解决方案。At present, in contrast with feedback and feedforward, digital baseband predistortion is a highly cost-effective way to improve power amplifier's nonlinear characteristic.

其中,由于预失真法结构简单、成本低和线性化好,本论文根据预失真法的基本原理,设计了一个基于低频偶次项互调产物的射频预失真器。This paper proposes a RF predistorter based on low-frequency even-order intermodulation components due to the simplicity, low cost and moderate distortion improvement of predistortion linearization.