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床上的婴儿天真地咯咯笑着。The baby gurgled innocently on the bed.

你认为有人能够清白无辜地进行统治吗“Do you think anyone can govern innocently?"

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“他们做了什么?”提利昂无辜的询问。"Wht did they do?" Tyrion inquired innocently.

我们等了又等,而她就一直天真地看着我。We waited and waited, she looked at me innocently.

他们天真烂漫地唱着成套的下流歌曲。There they innocently sing their repertory of dirty songs.

小孩子抿了抿嘴唇,傻乎乎地笑了。The child puckered up her lips and began to smile innocently.

以及你纯洁的目光,带着爱恋和热情注视我的眼睛。The way you innocently look into my eyes, with love and passion.

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关于爱情的科学传说始于田鼠。The scientific tale of love begins innocently enough, with voles.

以及你纯洁的目光,带着爱恋和热情注视我的眼睛。Thee way you innocently look into my eyes, with love and passion.

坦诚和公正的思考,并且,当你说话时也要这样。think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

他们在深绿色的树荫之间纯洁地亲吻,他们一直这样纯洁地亲吻。In the deep green they settle in shade and kiss among fernleafs, innocently.

他们还从后面用肘碰击我们的胸口,接着目光他移,做出一脸无辜状。They gave us a dig in the ribs from behind and looked innocently another way.

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以及你纯洁的目光,带着爱恋和热情注视我的眼睛,从未冷如冰。The way you innocently look into my eyes, with love and passion, and never cold like ice.

罗大全刚刚失去深爱的妻子,无意娶妻,拉起罗二全就走。Luo Daquan just loses the wife that loves greatly, innocently wive, pull a Luo Erquan to go.

我想到了机组、乘客和正在机场不知情地等待着他们的亲人。I thought of the crew, the passengers and their loved ones waiting innocently at the airport.

还不懂得生活的甘苦,只知道傻傻地憧憬和向往。Still do not understand the joys of life, only know that longing and yearning for innocently.

观者也因此被莫名地卷入了问题的自设与解答的纠缠中。Therefore, the audience are innocently involved in the twist of self questioning and answering.

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思念啃着痛含着一种莫名的无辜在我身边徘徊着。Missing gnaws the pain to hold one kind inexplicably to pace back and forth innocently in my side.

1983年,他不幸遭遇大火和诈骗,半生积蓄几乎毁坏殆尽。Fire, and a fraud into which he innocently stumbled in 1983, destroyed almost all he had saved for.

但是剑桥大学的一位发言人说,霍金无意在近期离开这所大学。But a spokesman of Cantabrigian university says, hocking leaves this college in the near future innocently.