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我很想要有一个机会打那家伙。I am dying for a chance to pummel that guy.

强烈的飓风吹打着海岸。Intense hurricane winds pummel the shoreline.

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技能拳击头有一个级别并且不造成伤害。Pummel now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.

由于你举足轻重,由于你不反省我就会揍你。You're too small and insignificant, and I'll pummel you if you don't.

老太君一锤定音,“就这么决定了。"Is old too gentleman one pummel bench a sound, " comes to a decision so.

与此同时,抵押贷款企业继续遭受赎回带来的巨大损失。Meanwhile, foreclosures continue to pummel the mortgage firms with big losses.

到了1月10日,暴风雪开始席卷华中和华南地区。On Jan. 10, blizzards started to pummel a huge swath of central and southern China.

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若把身体当成垃圾桶,尽装些坏习惯进去,就不会有精力享受人生。Treat your body like a dartboard and pummel it with bad habits, and you won't have energy for fun.

当地的帮派给他取了个“汤大个儿”的绰号,因为他的身材和他能痛扁许多玩伴之故。The local gangs dubbed him "Big Tam" because of his size and his ability to pummel most of his playmates.

一些我自己喜欢的想法特别是缴械效果,并且1分钟CD或者是短CD的拳击效果。A few ideas I liked particularly are a Disarm effect on a 1 minute cooldown, or a Pummel on a short cooldown.

两名运动员互相搏斗试图让对方失败,这能体现奥林匹克精神吗?How are we to reconcile the Olympic spirit with two athletes trying to throw, pin, or pummel one another into defeat?

毁灭之路就如同那个雪球,开始时问题很小,如果你没能好好解决这个问题,它就会变得越来越严重,接着它会把你击倒。The problem starts out small. If you fail to take care of the problem, it will get bigger and bigger, then it will pummel you.

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新版追求一个更坚韧更黑暗的主题,而你会看到绿巨人和同样强大的怪物对手互相暴揍。This one aims for a grittier and darker theme, where you will see Hulk and the equally powerful Abomination pummel each other.

我们的牛头人萨满升了几级后,就开始在独自冒险中痛扁敌人了。Once we had a few levels under our belt, our tauren shaman was able to mercilessly pummel enemies into submission in solo adventures.

就在民主党在窝里斗的你死我活的时候,共和党既定候选人,老麦却在美国悠哉游哉为自己歌功颂德。While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.

海洋温度上升、海水污染、海水变酸和飓风频发将大量的珊瑚漂白。Rising ocean temperatures, water pollution, ocean acidification and cyclones continually pummel the reef and have caused mass coral bleaching.

随着影响的蔓延,市场开始指责欧洲银行和保险公司的放款,这将被证明是有史以来最严重的国家债务灾难之一。As it spread, markets started to pummel European banks and insurers for their exposure to what could prove to be one of the worst sovereign debt disasters ever.

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但蜂群衰竭失调病很可能涉及多重压力因素,例如营养不良和接触化学物质会破坏蜜蜂的免疫系统,致使病毒更容易侵入。But CCD likely involves multiple stressors.Poor nutrition and chemical exposure, for instance, might pummel a bee's immunities before a virus finishes the insect off.

金木水火土,分别便是九黎鞭,枯元弓,天玄剑,雷炎刀,还有破尘锤。The gold wood water launch soil would is 9 Li whips respectively, shriveled USD bow, Xuan sword in the sky, thunder flaming knife, also have yet broken a dust pummel.

选择一个全方位豪华度假,也不会完全说明你没有环保意识,海滩度假地,孤挺基督教堂,巴巴多斯、西印度群岛都可以。For a full-service luxurious getaway that won't completely pummel your eco-conscience, the Amaryllis Beach Resort in Christ Church, Barbados, West Indies, may be the ticket.