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葡萄繦沿墙壁向上生长。The grapevine climbed the wall.

我听得是小道消息。I heard it through the grapevine.

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那个故事我是从小道消息听到的。I heard the story through the grapevine.

人们说这些电线看起来像葡萄藤。People said they looked like a grapevine.

你一定是道听途说。You must have heard it through the grapevine.

他说,“我打听来的小道消息。”" And he said, "Oh, I heard it on the grapevine.

我认识了这棵树,和栽种者。I've become acquainted with this grapevine and the husbandman.

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酿顶级萄葡酒的萄葡藤,都是从最贫瘠的土壤中生长出来。The grapevine that produces the best wines often thrived in barren fields.

与其这样做,不如通过行业内线来了解该公司的声誉。Instead, check out the company' s reputation through the industry grapevine.

不要听任何小道消息,此刻传闲话的人越来越多了。Don't believe anything through the grapevine. There are more and more gossipers.

兰州地区和一些老的葡萄产区葡萄带病毒病较严重。The grapevine viruses were serious damage in Lanzhou and some old grapevine area.

这种乡村传闻将主导未来几个月中国劳工大军的流动方向。This village grapevine will shape China's migrant workforce in the coming months.

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不要听任何小道音信,现在传闲话的人越来越多了。Don't believe anything through the grapevine. There will plus much more gossipers.

阿伊莎古尔,坐在葡萄藤下的绿叶在她家的小院中Guvecci。Aisha Gur, sat under a leafy grapevine in the small courtyard of her home in Guvecci.

没有和他在葡萄架下当过秋千,没有赛跑,没有玩过跳绳。No swinging in grapevine swings for him, no running races, no playing skipping games.

一步一摇晃葡萄在肚皮舞是一个典型的起伏变化大动作。A grapevine step rocking undulation in belly dancing is a great variation on typical moves.

嘿,老伙计,我听小道消息说你要结婚了,是真的吗?Hey, old buddy, I heard it through the grapevine that you are getting married. Can that be true?

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结果表明,这两种病毒病在甘肃地区的主要葡萄产区均有发生。The results indicated that the two kinds of virus occur in main grapevine growing area of Gansu.

根据陈律师的说法,这同样需要进场交易,因为这同样是国有股权转让。But I need to deal with such issues in person. My source will not be based on this grapevine manner.

但在另一方面,小道消息作为组织中“民意”的晴雨表是有价值的。On the other hand, the grapevine is valuable as a barometer of ‘public opinion’ in the organization.