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我愿你将永远不犯错误。I hope you wll never do wrong.

有一天我会对芒果街说再见。One day I wll say goodbye to Mango.

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我得去工作了,以后再打电话给你。I have to work, I wll call you later.

如果你肯早点告诉我,我会感激不尽。I'd be grateful if you wll let me know soon.

敲击管道或墙壁以便让救援职员发现你。Tp on pipe or wll so tht rescuers cn find you.

真希望老的时候还能有一颗好奇的心。I hope that when I am older I wll still be curious.

我会一辈子支持你的报刊亭的!!!!!!!I wll use all my life to support your newsstand! ! ! !

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我们且则把代办署理问题弃置到下周。Wll leave aside the problem of agency until next week.

没有钱,甚至是最好的医生,将无法拯救你的生命。No amount of money or even the best doctors wll not be able to save your life.

为了保证这个例子尽可能的简单,您将会看到一个预先定义的查询。To keep this example fairly simple, you wll use one of the predefined queries.

首先你白勺工资shi月付,在服务1年后,有1样月白勺带薪假期。First, you wll be getting a monthly salary, with one month paid vacation after 1 year of service.

熊猫、康佳、桑菲、波导、夏新的百万像素手机则已经或即将在2004年上市。For Panda, SED, Bird, Amoi, the camera phones with million pixels have already been or wll be launched in 2004.

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所有我留下的泪水,所有我做的尝试,也无法将你带回到我身边。你是否会在天堂为我等待?。All the tears I cry, no matter how I try, they wil never bring you home to me. So wll not you wait for me in heaven.

如果你不这样作,禅定力将转弱,即使得到少许利益,障碍将会来临。If you do not do this, your meditation wll grow weaker and even though it creates some benefit, many obstacles will arise.

国内华为、中兴、大唐公司和国外许多公司都开发了自己的无线本地环路系统。Domestic companies like Huawei, Zhongxing and Datang as well as many overseas companies have developed their own WLL systems.

我们在此报告一个高雄荣民总医院进行全肺冲洗术的病例,这个病人曾有肺结核病史,并经由开肺取样术证实为肺泡蛋白质沉积症。We present a case undergoing WLL in our hospital who had contracted pulmonary TB was diagnosed as a case of PAP by open lung biopsy.

方法对尘肺患者进行489例次WLL,经临床判定两肺分隔满意后,再经纤维支气管镜检证实双腔管对位情况。Use the fibrobronchoscope to prove the situation of double-lumen tube after verified by the ways of clinical determination in 489 WLL.

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我在安排开车前往机场时,总会考虑留一点时间,以防路上遇到交通堵塞或者轮胎漏气等意外情况。If i am assigned to the aireport,i wll always a some time to prevnt the contingecny such as the traffic jams or the gas leakage of the tires.

如果我们成功获得冠军,这将是球迷在汉堡盛大的日子,他足以可以证明我们不会突然从欧冠强队行列消失。If we do so it wll give the fans a great day out in Hamburg and prove to people that we're not suddenly to be written off as a force in Europe.

如果一个国家能够有效地利用所有的信息,那么将会在科学研究、教育、经济发展等领域受益。If one country can effectively use all the information,then it wll benifit from science,economy development and other fields.