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首先看青瓷器。First let us consider celadon.

青瓷是世界上出现最早的瓷器。Celadon is the earliest porcelain in the world.

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本文介绍了临汝青瓷的仿制工艺。The Paper introduces the imitation art of Linru celadon.

宜人的灰绿色给人稳重并且雅致的感觉。Delightful celadon gives a person sedate and refined feeling.

但高丽朝是因为青瓷器而闻名。The dynasty, however, is renowned for its use of celadon ware.

星期四出手的其余拍卖品包括青瓷底色的蝴蝶花瓶在内。Other pieces that sold Thursday included a celadon ground butterfly vase.

粉青、梅子青被誉为青瓷釉色的最高境界。In addition, the pale blue and plum green glaze is regarded as the top of celadon.

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学者们比较一致的认识是,应当从新的角度,考证韩国青瓷的产生时期。Many scholars agreed to have to study the production age of Korea Celadon from new focus.

弟窑青瓷白胎厚釉,釉层丰满,釉色青翠,光泽柔和。Brother celadon kiln fetal thick white glaze, the glaze layer plump, green glaze, soft luster.

龙泉青瓷产品分日用瓷和陈设艺术瓷两大类。Longquan celadon Product sub-daily-use porcelain and ceramic art display two broad categories.

论文主要从四个方面对南宋龙泉青瓷进行探究。The article mainly carry out the research on Longquan celadon in Southern Song in four aspects.

梅子青是南宋龙泉窑创制的杰出青釉品种。Plum green glaze is a outstanding celadon glaze originated in Longquan Kiln in Southern Song Dynasty.

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龙泉青瓷是在继承越窑和瓯窑传统的基础上发展起来的。Longquan celadon Yue and are impaired at the succession of the traditional kiln developed on the basis of.

晶种制备过程中其颜色的变化为由灰白色—灰绿色—黄绿色—土黄—深黄色。The color of seed continuously changes with time from hoariness to celadon to olivine to khaki to deep yellow.

埃德蒙德瓦尔的优雅青瓷具体地点的船只设施都是世界有名的沉思存在。Edmund de Waal's elegant celadon site-specific vessel installations are renowned for their meditative presence.

温州历史上以手工业发达著称,是青瓷发源地之一,造纸、造船、丝绸、绣品、漆器、鞋革等在我国历史上均有一定地位。Historically, Wenzhou has been a city renowned for its handicrafts and also as one of the birthplaces of celadon.

汗青上,不断是温州市闻名的光纤收发器的手工艺品,也是对青瓷的发源地之一。Historically, Wenzhou has been a city renowned fot its handicrafts and also as one of the birthplaces of celadon.

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钧釉属北方青瓷系统,是一种浓淡不一且不透明的蓝色乳浊釉。The jun glaze belongs to the northern celadon system . it is a type of opaque blue glaze of different intensities.

本文从其在不同历史时期的艺术特点来解读越窑青瓷夺目的成就。From the artistic feature of different ages, this paper discussed the dazzling achievements of the celadon porcelain.

由宜兴青瓷厂青瓷研究所高级工艺美术师吴克强设计制作,手工刻花,窑变釉点彩。Designed by the high artist in Yixing Celadon ware Researching centre, Wu Keqiang. Handmade craft, Ceramic glaze stipple.