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牛里脊肉还是肉眼牛排?Sirloin steak or rib-eye?

我要一份上腰肉牛排?I'll have a sirloin steak.

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我要一个沙朗牛排。I'd like the sirloin steak.

也许我可以试试西冷牛排。Maybe I'll try the sirloin steak.

简朴地说,这是上腰牛排加调味料。Simply speaking, it's sirloin steak with sauce.

简单的说,这是有调味汁的上腰肉牛排。Simply speaking, it's a sirloin steak with sauce.

我要一份综合沙拉和一客沙朗牛排。Yes, I'll have a mixed Salad and a Sirloin Steak.

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她把两大盒牛里脊肉条藏在钱包里。She had two big packages of sirloin strips in her purse.

我知道西冷牛排是这里的特色菜。I know the sirloin steak is the specialty of this restaurant.

请给我一客牛腰肉排。你们有什么特色甜品?I'll have the sirloin steak. What special kind of desserts do you have?

还有别的吗?我们今天有腰条牛排,我建议你们尝尝。Anything else? We've the sirloin steak today, I suggest that you try them?

煨牛脸颊,慢烤西冷牛排,红酒,京葱,玉米糊,冬季黑松露菌。Beef cheek bourguignon, sirloin slow roasted, leeks, soft polenta, winter truffle.

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我特意向你们四个人推荐这道牛腰排骨,味道真的不错。I particularly advise you four people to taste the sirloin steak. It's really delicious.

这是二位的七分熟沙朗「牛排」和全熟的「烤羊小排佐红酒酱汁」。Here are your medium well sirloin steak and well done roasted lamb chop with red wine sauce.

我们牛排有「肋眼牛排」、「菲力牛排」、「沙朗牛排」和「丁骨牛排」,您要点哪一种?We got rib-eye steak, fillet steak, sirloin steak and T-bone steak. Which one would you like?

他向我展示了臀部牛排和臀部烤肉,然后给了我一块有骨头的牛腩和一把锋利的小刀。He shows me rump roasts and rump steaks, and then gives me the bone-in sirloin and a sharp knife.

我要白豆忌廉汤,西冷牛扒配烧汁,鲜水果碟,热咖啡。I Have cream of white bean soup, Grilled sirloin steak with gravy sauce, fresh fruit plate. hot coffee.

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这是薄的里脊肉牛排,上面放些碎洋葱,还有波多里酱油。It is thin sirloin steak, topped with some chopped and sauteed onions. It is served with sauce bordelaise.

比方说我就很喜欢英式早晨,或者是熏鳕鱼、西冷牛排配蘑菇或洋葱。For example I love English breakfasts, or smoked haddock, or roast sirloin steak with mushrooms and onions.

丽迪雅郡郡喜欢的简便性14-16盎司沙朗牛排,送达防风菜泥和香酥防风芯片。Shire prefers the simplicity of a 14-16 oz. sirloin steak, served with parsnip purée and crispy parsnip chips.