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你梳你颈。You preen your neck.

你梳你胸。You preen your chest.

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你梳你左翼。You preen your left wing.

你梳你右翼。You preen your right wing.

对于一个女性来说,打扮自己,绝不仅仅是一种愉悦。To preen for a woman can never be just a pleasure.

然后他们停下来用嘴仔细地整理他们洁白的羽毛。Then, they stand about to preen their white plumage carefully.

显然生活中的人不会在摄影机前跃马而起,厉声喝斥,刻意打扮。A real man didn't prance around and yap at the mouth and preen for the camera.

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让别人像蝴蝶那样精心装扮双翅,依赖花朵的施舍维持生命吧!Let others be as butterflies who preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for life.

它们梳洗打扮以洗去博高瑞亚的矿物质,这些矿物质能让它们的羽毛变成石头,让它们永远不能飞行。They bathe and preen to wash away Bogoria's minerals, which could turn their feathers to stone and ground them forever.

你害怕去面对现实,于是就欺骗大家,你把自己打扮成一个小丑去赢取别人的好感。You are afraid of facing the reality and cheat everyone, and yourself as well. You preen yourself like a clown to win flubdub.

在众多看似重要的感觉面前,你的多巴胺接收器就像一团乱麻,你偏执地不断打扮自己。Your dopamine receptors are haywire from so much of what feels like the right kind of attention and you preen out of paranoia.

雪茄的烟雾和价值上千美元的帽子,穿梭在摆满鱼子酱和牡蛎的吧台,这些前来的与会者既是为了参观,又是为了让别人注意到自己,他们精心修饰,卖弄姿态。Amid the caviar and oyster bars, cigar smoke and thousand-dollar hats, attendees come to see and be seen, to posture and preen.

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他们发现病毒不断粘在羽毛上因为禽流感污染的水源与尾脂腺的分泌物相互作用。They found that a progressive virus "sticking" on feathers occurs because AIV-contaminated waters interact with the preen oil gland secretion.

一群黑猩猩似乎对自己的影像很感兴趣,在镜子附近逗留了一段时间,有几只似乎还用镜子来梳妆。And groups of chimpanzees seemed to cope with their reflection and they spent time near the mirror, while some appear touse it to preen themselves.

研究人员在西班牙南部的一个鸟类聚居栖息地研究大型火烈鸟,他们注意到每一只火烈鸟都用头去擦抹尾脂腺,然后在将尾脂抹擦在自己的颈部,背部和胸部的羽毛上。The researchers studied greater flamingos in a bird sanctuary in southern Spain. They noted that each bird rubbed its cheek against its preen gland and then onto its neck, back and breast feathers.