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天地却乎变大了,却不适合我翻飞腾跃。The world will never become larger, but not for me now prance.

但是当我想到战争时,我可不想围绕着五朔节花柱扎扎跳。But when I'm thinking about war, I don't want to prance around the Maypole.

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他们的后裔猎犬和爱腾在广大的户外活动。They are descended from hunting dogs and love to prance in the vast outdoors.

显然生活中的人不会在摄影机前跃马而起,厉声喝斥,刻意打扮。A real man didn't prance around and yap at the mouth and preen for the camera.

因此,这一破旧不堪的木马,以固定的腾跃姿态立在保罗的卧室里。So the horse, rather shabby, stood in an arrested prance in the boy's bedroom.

金腾矿业集团有限公司成立于2007年,位于马来西亚。Golden Prance Group Mining Industry Co. , Ltd. was established in 2007, located in Malaysia.

我要去尝试昂贵的东西,使周围的工作人员告诉我,我期待有多大腾跃。I'm going to try on something expensive and prance around so the staff tell me how great I look.

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他们会后腿一跳,向空中猛的一击,或是彼此打斗撕缠在一处。They would prance on their hind legs, making wild swipes in the air or tumbling over each other.

当这种事发生的时候,就好像是无中生有地变出了一天似的,差不多一直在屋子里上窜下跳。When that happens we pretty well prance around the house like we've somehow magically manufactured a day out of thin air.

当这种事发生的时候,就好像是无中生有地变出了一天似的,差不多一直在屋子里上窜下跳。When that happens we pretty well prance around the house like we’ve somehow magically manufactured a day out of thin air.

在比赛休息时间,这些啦啦队员随着音乐尽情舞动,她们甚至比选手们还穿得少。The cheerleaders, whose outfits are even more skimpy than those worn by the players, prance to rock music during breaks in play.

三菱变频器,三菱伺服,三菱触摸屏,西门子PLC,英威腾变频器价格。The Mitsubishi frequency transformer , Mitsubishi servo , Mitsubishi touch a screen , Siemens PLC , Yingwei prance frequency transformer price.

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另外,在节目中你会看到世界最大的眼镜蛇施展捕猎技俩,悄悄地向牺牲品下毒手。Antelopes prance competing for a mate, rhinos crash through the undergrowth, lanky- limbed langurs swing through the forest and the biggest cobra in the world silently stalks its next victim.