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他生长在梅迪西统治的年代。He grew up under the rule of the Medici.

在佛罗伦萨,美第奇家宅的花园就是15世纪的典型代表。A 15th-century example is the garden of the Medici Villa, in Florence.

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表达式用MEDICI器件模拟软件进行了验证。The expression is validated in Synopsys device simulation tools MEDICI.

它曾是佛罗伦萨的权贵,麦德西家族的住处,这个宏伟的宫殿如今包含了三个博物馆。Once home to Florence's powerful Medici family, the grand palace now houses three museums.

这些科学家们的错误之处,以我的见解,在于他们选择了美第奇-里卡迪宫作为观测场所。Their mistake, I fear, lies in their choice of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi as the test site.

从梅第奇家族赞助艺术开始,艺术家就一直无法摆脱寄生的地位。Since the sponsorship of the Medici Family, artists have never escaped from the position of parasitism.

在图书馆中,学科馆员的服务工作与自身管理具备创造“美第奇效应”的相似条件。In library, subject librarian's work and management has much common with the condition of Medici Effect.

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尽管后来梅第奇家族得以重新回到弗洛伦萨恢复了一部分早年间的权利,意大利人支配欧洲金融业的日子已经一去不复返了。Although the Medici family came back to power in Florence, never again would Italy dominate European finance.

大多数梅第奇银行的借贷都是做给王室的,用于支持他们的军事行动或是维持他们奢靡的公子哥儿生活。Most of the Medici bank’s lending was to royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles.

世界上不一本书,一群老师会告知你这个谜底,教你走哪条途径。We don't need anyone to tell us what to do. Not Savonarola, nor the Medici. We are free to follow our own path.

1478年,帕奇家族像他们的名字所代表的含义“疯狂”一样,从梅第奇家族手里攫取了教皇的生意。In 1478, the Pazzi family managed—for all that their name means “mad”—to snatch the papal business from the Medici.

这些展品都来自美帝奇家族的收藏,其收藏可以追溯至16甚至15世纪。Its collection originated in the collections of the Medici family, and goes back to the 16th, even the 15th century.

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利用二维器件模拟软件MEDICI,对该结构中的侧墙及悬梁进行了模拟研究。Simulations are made on sidewall and overhanging in the super self-aligned structure using the 2-D simulator MEDICI.

石竹花的芬芳弥漫在空间,玛丽·德·梅迪契的老白嘴鸦在大树林中谈情说爱。The peppery odor of the carnations was perceptible. The old crows of Marie de Medici were amorous in the tall trees.

佛罗伦萨和美第奇教皇也许也能够形成一个中央集权的意大利国家的核心,捍卫意大利的独立。Florence and a Medici pope might also form the nucleus of a central Italian state that could guarantee Italian independence.

虽然他们将要通过的缓慢,记录宴会查看凯瑟琳德麦迪奇服务66火鸡在一个晚宴。Although they were slow to be adopted, records of banquets show Catherine de' Medici serving sixty-six turkeys at one dinner.

只要用心思考和实践,学科馆员的各个交叉点将会对图书馆的工作助益良多,而那正是不同层次的“美第奇效应”在其中发挥作用的表现。If we probe into the subject librarian's work and management, the intersections benefit library a lot, where Medici Effect exerts its role.

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事实上梅第奇银行这方面的境遇也好不了多少,她的那些合伙人肩头承担的风险之大让他们常常感到有必要换个行当做做。Though the Medici bank’s experience was not much better, its partners felt that shouldering such risks was necessary to get other business.

以如此大的尺幅表现裸体的女性,在中世纪是被完全禁止的。During the Middle Ages, it was forbidden to depict a naked women at such a large scale, but Botticelli was protected by the powerful Medici family.

后来这个地方属于另外一个家族,因为梅迪奇家族自封他们为托斯卡纳大公,后来他们居住在更豪华的建筑内。Later the palace belonged to another family as the Medici made themselves Grand Dukes of Tuscany and inhabited more grandiose Florentine buildings.