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他们在一个破旧的帐篷里过了一夜。They spent the night in a ropy old tent.

黑暗中,有什么粘稠的东西浸湿了他的手。In darkness, the thing with ropy what soaked his hand.

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早上空腹喝淡盐水到底好不好?Good, OK and attenuant ropy blood, very helpful to health.

但是中国的官方统计数据却太过时了。Yet the country's official statistics are notoriously ropy.

环境倒退的暗示已经出现在了政府自身发布的糟糕数据上。Hints of environmental backsliding have appeared in the government’s own ropy data.

这幅照片展示了当玄武质熔岩流动时遇到障碍形成的绳状熔岩。This image shows ropy pahoehoe, a type of basaltic lava that forms when solidifying lava meets an obstruction.

但利用反投影法重建的图像质量差,有星状伪迹,存在模糊失真。But, it get the ropy image Back projection algorithm, it has astroid false mark and exist fuzzy and anamorphic.

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有时痰液粘稠不易咳出者,可出现青紫及呼吸困难,甚至影响生命。She sometimes ropy sputum is not easy to produce, can appear blue and breathing difficulties, and even affect the life.

半自动灌装机列产品适用于从水状到膏状的任何种类粘稠度的产品的定量灌装。Semi-automatic Filling Machine are suitable for dosing filling products at any kinds of ropy pitch from aquiform to viscosity.

如果这些菌在面团中生长之后进行焙烤,就会产生粘性起丝的面包,因而使消费者不愿接受。If the dough is baked after these organisms have grown, stringy and ropy bread will result, leading to decreased consumer acceptance.

它解决了传统的吸氧装置无恒温和加湿功能,易于造成患者呼吸道干燥,导致痰液粘稠、死腔增多,从而增加患者痛苦的问题。It has resolved the problems of respiratory tract dryness, ropy sputum, dead cavity increase resulting from the traditional oxygen therapy device.

丝线状的蜘蛛网附着在欧比万的皮肤、头发上,有些还进到他嘴里,当他试图清除皮肤上的丝线,这些蜘蛛网又粘在了他的手指上。The ropy tendrils clung to Obi-Wan's skin and hair and caught in his mouth. When he tried to pull the skin of the web off him, it stuck to his fingers.

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当他用自己壳上掉落的碎片去划开仙人掌的身体时,会流出清凉粘稠的汁水来。小蜗牛用它来解渴和滋润身体。When he gashed on the cacti with his broken shell, there would be clear and ropy juice by which the snail could satisfy his thirst and moisten his body.

随着汽车销售的下跌,德国储蓄者正从他们的保险箱取出金钱,确切地说,存进银行或委托给汽车制造商。For even as car sales slump, German savers are pulling money from their safe, but staid, savings banks and entrusting it to their racy—if ropy —carmakers.

例假来了,第一天总是肚子疼,而且经血都粘稠的近乎于黑色?是严重的妇科病么?21岁。Official holiday came, the first day always is collywobbles, and is classics blood ropy close to at black? Be defect of serious department of gynaecology ? 21 years old.

我们都知道莴苣女的故事,她是怎样孤独地坐在她那座塔上,她的长发从窗户伸出去,最后,一位王子顺着这条长绳爬了上去救她。We all know Rapunzel’s tale, how she sat at the top of her lonely tower, her long hair hanging out the window, until finally, a prince climbed its ropy length to rescue her.