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你是否喜欢怀旧?Whether you like reminiscence or not?

这景象唤起了我对青年时代许多往事的追想。The scene awakened reminiscence of my youth.

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文字创造了生活,也删减记忆。Characters create the life and efface the reminiscence.

唱一支深情的歌,为这回忆中回来的丁香花季节的欢乐。A warble for joy of lilac-time, returning in reminiscence.

威利并没有分享弟弟回忆往事的幽思。William did not share his brother's passion for reminiscence.

如果怀旧是衰老的征兆的话,那我应该是很老了。If reminiscence is a sign of aging, then I must be really old.

其后期散文创作的主要艺术特色为“真”与“古”。Reminiscence subjects have become the main feature of his later stage prose.

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现在,在京梅的回忆,她是做饭吃饭,她的父亲。Now, at the time of Jing-mei's reminiscence , she is cooking dinner for her father.

王安忆通过小说表现了自己对“怀旧”及上海历史的丰富思考。Wang Anyi expresses his abundant thinking on reminiscence and the history of Shanghai.

西湖在过去一千年来,一直是名士美人流连之所,重重叠叠的回忆太多了。The west lake has been a dreamland for gentleman and beauties, too much reminiscence here.

我相信人类的哀愁源自一个故乡,比歌声近,比怀念久。I believe human sorrows originate from a homeland, near than singings, longer than reminiscence.

对故事的确定感,讲故事时的舒缓有致,自由发挥,还有对故事的个人回想只有通过完完全全地把握整个故事才能做到。Sureness, ease, freedom, and the effect of personal reminiscence come only from complete mastery.

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过去的就别再提了,男常潮似乎对怀旧毫无兴趣。There was no need to mention, and it seemed as if the man Transo had no interest in reminiscence.

在那里,像一个陆地的怀念者,我也许将被年青和年老的水手们阅读。Many a star at night, By sailors young and old haply will I , a reminiscence of the land, be read.

柏拉图的回忆说作为哲学与神学的交汇点,其形式是神学的。As a cross of philosophy and divine philosophy, Plato's doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.

实践中的“怀旧”和研究上的“追新”实际上割裂了理论的历史联系。Reminiscence in practice and sensationalism in research break up the history relation of the theories.

每个人的心上都有几个伤口,每想一次,便是往伤口上撒一次盐。Everone's heart got several cuts from the past, every reminiscence of which is to press salt upon them.

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另外,80年代流行时尚的回归着重裙子上的装饰,以怀念三四十年代。Besides, the return of the 80’s the fashion has focused on dotted skirts as a reminiscence to the 30’s and 40’s.

昨天下午,我很高兴的在伦敦北部的一个剧院看了一场名为回忆录的演出。Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of seeing the play Reminiscence at Jacksons Lane theatre in North London.

我想忘却我的过去,因为过去把我监禁在它的牢笼里,却知道怀旧是我不可避免的习惯。Iwant to forget the past, for it confines me to its cellar, yet I know that reminiscence is an inevitable habit of mine.