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我们应该分手。We nee to break up.

你得服用一些中草药。You nee to take some Chinese herbs.

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一项事业需要我们毕生的奉献。A career nee ds our devotion all our lives.

我经常会听到这样的对话。I would wake up to hear a dialogue like "Nee"?

但是我们需要更更多的时间,获得完全的胜利。But we nee some time more to triumph completely.

一份遗嘱需要立遗嘱人和两个证人的签字。A will nee ds the signature of the testator and two witness.

既然小王能完成这项工作,就不请他师傅来了。Since Xiao Wang can do the work, there is no nee for his supervisor to come.

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其形成与发展的动力来源于北天山向盆地内的北东东向挤压。It is developed by the strong NEE trend compression from Tianshan to the basin.

石英组构图清晰地反映了南京东向和北东东向的构造挤压作用。The petrofabric diagrams clearly show the compression of SEE and NEE direction.

倪的运动从1920年代开始在中国创立,然后逐渐的发展到西方。The movement Nee founded during the 1920s in China subsequently spread to the West.

晚于劈理、倾角小于劈理的北东东向逆断层是矿床的容矿构造。NEE reverse faults formed late than cleavage with low-angle obliquity is the ore-hosting structures.

研究表明,白云凹陷的断裂以北西西、近东西走向为主,同时发育北西、北北西、北东、北东东等不同方向的断裂。Study shows fractures of Baiyun depression mainly trend NWW and nearly EW, and NW, NNW, NE and NEE as well.

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但具工业意义的矿体产出受东西向和北东东向构造控制,北东东向构造为富矿的主导控矿构造。Industrial ore bodies are controlled by WE- and NEE-faults. The NEE fault is main leading controlling structure.

首次发现普通瑟姬小蜂可寄生于枸杞瘿螨虫瘿内。It was found that Cirrospilus pictus Nee can parasitize in cecidium of Aceria pallida Keifer for the first time.

我们从我们的生命中的某点开始。我们经历我们所必需经历的。最后我们在我们的生命的不同点上结束。We begin at one point in our life, we go through what we nee to go through, and we end at a different point in our life.

研究认为,辽河油田低潜山带储层裂缝发育规律与辽西地区区域裂缝发育规律相似,且该低潜山带储层以碳酸盐岩储层最为有利。The stretch of macro-fracture are mainly at the directions of NEE and NNW in Liaoxi region and burial hill reservoir bed.

倪柝声一生全然奉献,不遗余力,这从他的生平简史可见一斑。Watchman Nee was an astonishingly devoted and energetic man, which I think can be seen from a capsule summary of his life.

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盆地北缘的北东东向正断层被北北西向断裂左旋错动。The normal fault zone with NEE trending are cut by some NNW faults with left-lateral dislocation in the north of the basin.

倪柝声虽已逝世三十多年,但他的为人和事工仍然持续影响着中国上百万的更正教基督徒。Watchman Nee died over thirty years ago but his life and work continue to influence millions of Protestant Christians in China.

最后,利用方差分析和多元线性回归方法建立了预报日NEE的线性模型。Finally, a linear model is established to forecast diurnal NEE through variance analysis and multiple linear regression methods.