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医生同情地注视着病人。The doctor watched the patient sympathetically.

他同情地看着小女孩,给了她10元钱。He looked at the little girl sympathetically and gave her 10 yuan.

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在其影响下,一些像丹·奎尔这样看似不可能的人在谈到马尔科姆时,都会表现出同情之心。In its wake, people as unlikely as Dan Quayle talked sympathetically about Malcolm.

我同情地答应着,正要伸出手那冰咖啡,这时候,Michelle抢先一步。I clucked sympathetically and reached for my iced coffee when Michelle beat me to it.

“喔!不!”妈妈呓语般的小声牢骚著。”我知道你一定会因此感到很悲伤”"Oh, no, " Mother murmured sympathetically. "I know how sad that must make you feel. "

她尝试用同情去熨贴他,可是他那受创的精神是不容易治愈的。She tried to draw near to him sympathetically , but his wounded spirit could not be healed so easily.

在她身旁站着一位灰发女人,手里拿着粉色和白色的玫瑰花,同情地看着她。Near her a gray-haired woman, with her hands full of pink and white roses, watched her sympathetically.

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“听起来很有道理,”他的朋友深有同感,“有哪些事情由你妻子作决定呢?”"That sounds reasonable," answered his friend sympathetically. "And what sort of decisions does your wife make?"

西方人很难去同情中国这样的教育模式,其各种弊病不容忽视,但有一个特点却始终吸引人们的注意力——勤奋才有回报。It is exceedingly difficult for Occidentals to enter sympathetically into such a scheme of education as that of the Chinese.

急性失交感神经支配的皮肤或者肢端由于失去了交感性缩血管神经紧张作用,皮肤是温暖的。In acutely sympathetically denervated areas, the skin or extremity is warm because of loss of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone.

厨师露出聪颖而可敬的神情,用细心观察的亲热的目光打量着父亲和儿子。And the count turned to the cook, who with a shrewd and respectful face looked observantly and sympathetically from father to son.

但是只有在我为了喝水的时候,当你看见我开始伸手去拿水杯时,你下颌的肌肉感应着活动起来。Your jaw muscles activate sympathetically when you see me initiate my reach for the glass, but only when I am reaching to have a drink.

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我同情的看着这个宣称要为所有被淘汰的女同胞复仇的小姑娘,希望这道大餐能稍微顺口一点。I sympathetically looked at the girl who claimed to take revenge for all the eliminated girls, only wishing the upcoming food should be a little easy.

由于给一个“实际上陌生”的人打电话很不自在,于是我请求学校的心理学家和我的老板打给他,但是他们充满同情地拒绝了。Uncomfortable to phone a “virtual stranger”, I begged the school psychologist, and then my boss, to call, but both sympathetically returned the burdens.

当然,我给一票好友发了电邮,今早收到了回复,并且--如我所愿--她们都充满同情地回复了我。Of course, I had emailed a handful of my best friends by the time 9 a.m. hit this morning, and -- as is to be expected -- they all responded sympathetically.

她从头到脖子变得绯红。盖伯瑞尔同情地转身走开,不知道什么时候自己敢再看她。当他回身时,她已走了。A deep blush spread from her head to her neck. Gabriel turned sympathetically away, wondering when he dared look at her again. When he turned back, she had gone.

好像连牛也在为他感到遗憾,因为他一直同情地看着醉汉,直到他的背影消逝,才重新将注意力转向斗牛士。Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.

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阿格尼斯伸给我一只手,我吻了一下,她继续像大姐姐一样,十分同情地倾听我诉说过去这几周里发生的每一件事情。Agnes gave me her hand, which I kissed, and she went on, in her sisterly way, to listen sympathetically as I told her everything that had happened in the past few weeks.

如果你的同事早就精心算计好了的话,你即使只是同情地耸耸肩膀也会被当作你是热心的对问题作出了肯定的回答,而实际上你连问题是什么都还没搞清楚。When a coworker has an agenda, even sympathetically shrugging your shoulders can get taken as an enthusiastic "yes" response to a question you didn't even realize you were asked.

如果你的同事早就精心算计好了的话,你即使只是同情地耸耸肩膀也会被当作你是热心的对问题作出了肯定的回答,而实际上你连问题是什么都还没搞清楚。When a coworker has an agenda, even sympathetically shrugging your shoulders can get taken as an enthusiastic “yes” response to a question you didn’t even realize you were asked.