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犹他是最年轻的,在未来29在轻捷。Utah is the youngest, coming in at a spry 29.

保罗谢尔曼耶尔身材矮小,动作敏捷,站得笔挺。Paul sherman yale was small, spry and upright.

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飞溅的浪花灼痛了他们的伤口和肿处。The sea spry stings all their cuts and bruises.

马老师七\十\岁的时候,还轻快敏捷地像只小猫一般。When teacher ma was 70 years old , he was as spry as a kitten.

出席者首先是我的家人,我哥哥,侄子外甥,96岁高龄的继母埃迪丝精力仍充沛First, there's family, brother, nephews, spry aged Edith stepmother

莱普斯先生是一位令人惊异的老汉,九十五岁还那么生气勃勃。Mr. Spry is an amazing old man, still alive and kicking at ninth-five.

卡伦轻快的步伐帮她战胜了缓慢的对手,赢得了比赛。Karen's spry footwork helped her win the match against a slow opponent.

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在参观我们的中小型工厂,他是作为轻快的少年。During the tour of our good-sized facility, he was as spry as a teenager.

他只有77岁,并且相当健康,但是他很少出国。Nayef is only 77, and fairly spry. But he seldom travels outside the country.

他胸膛低陷,眼睛斜视,步履蹒跚,但又着实生气勃勃。He was hollow-chested, squint-eyed, and rather shambling, but spry enough withal.

丹比诺在TED讲述了这些年龄超过一百岁老年人的九种普通的饮食和生活习惯。At TED, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.

所以,这个家伙在等待什么呢?因为两年没跳而相当充满生气,你说呢?So, what's this guy waiting for? Pretty spry for not having jumped for two years, wouldn't you say?

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检查不需要都在服务器上执行,而且客户端检查越多,应用程序就越敏捷。Not all checks need be done on the server, and the more client-side checks, the more spry your application.

如在2008年10月华盛顿邮报所提到的,日本的报纸业仍然“令人惊讶的充满生机”。As noted by the Washington Post in October of 2008, Japan's newspaper industry is still "surprisingly spry."

而且这些小鼠不显示易感像大鼠一样的致命疾病,这些小鼠活的时间很长。Moreover, they did not display their parents' susceptibility to cancer and diabetes and lived to a spry old age.

至于拉特利夫,他不断都对篮筐维护的很好,而且他看起来比我预期的要灵敏很多。As for Ratliff, he's been able to assert his presence protecting the rim and has looked generally more spry than I expected.

凯尔特人拥有一个健康和完好的KG上个赛季,但是隆多和沙克奥尼尔的伤病对于凯尔特人还是太难克服了。The Celtics had a healthy and spry KG last season, and injuries to Rondo and Shaquille O'Neal were still too much to overcome in the playoffs.

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无论你的猫咪是活泼的小奶猫,还是成熟的大猫,它互动、活动的幅度很大程度上取决于它的“猫咪电池”是否不断充电。Whether your cat is a spry kitten or a mature feline, his level of interaction and activity depends a lot on whether he's constantly recharging his kitty battery.

他最近看起来表现很不错。但是虽然科比也许有乔丹那样的得分能力,他不会通过在大个子头上扣篮来实现这点。不会在对阵凯尔特人时这样。He has looked more spry recently, but while Bryant may have Jordan-like scoring numbers, he's certainly not getting them by dunking over big men. Not against Boston.

本身仍身手敏捷、47岁的柯夫林表示,他们「正在找一种能维持独立自主,和人往来接触,健康又充满活力的科技。」T. "Baby boomers provide a perpetually youthful market. " They are, says Coughlin, himself a spry 47, "looking for technology to stay independent, engaged, well and vital.