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脱髓鞘的活动性的病灶可以显示为弥散受限。Active foci of demyelination may demonstrate restricted diffusion.

神经活检证实同时有脱髓鞘和轴索变性。Demyelination and axonal degeneration were confirmed electromicroscopicaly through sural nerve biopsy.

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小动脉病变导致的白质纤维脱髓鞘是发生白质疏松的主要原因之一。Demyelination of white matter fibers caused by arteriopathy is one of the major causes of leukoaraiosis.

在我们的病例中,周边的弥散受限的薄壁环状影可能代表脱髓鞘病变的活动性边缘。In our case, the thin peripheral rim of restricted diffusion may represent an active edge of demyelination.

目的探讨肿瘤样脱髓鞘病临床和病理学特点。Objective To explore the clinical and neuropathologic characteristics of tumor-like demyelination diseases.

结论EAE的病理改变主要为血管周围炎性浸润及白质脱髓鞘。Conclusion EAE is characterised by perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration and demyelination in white matter.

这种早期培养的神经干细胞有形成髓鞘的能力,可作为治疗人类脱髓鞘病变的潜在细胞来源。These cells may be a potential source for transplantation in the treatment of disorders of demyelination in humans.

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目的探讨诱导型一氧化氮合酶在中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病中的作用。Objective To investigate the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in demyelination of the central nervous system.

然后,他们又研究在不同细胞里缺乏PrP的老鼠们,以期找到哪个细胞是脱髓鞘作用发生的根源。Then, they studied mice that lacked PrP in some cells but not in others to see which cells were behind the demyelination.

在急性脊髓损伤中凋亡诱导了继发性退变和慢性脱髓鞘。Apoptosis in acute spinal cord injury induced both secondary degeneration around the site of injury and chronic demyelination.

目的探讨多发性硬化等脱髓鞘疾病中轴突的损伤以及轴突损伤出现的时间、形态特征。Objective To explore the axonal damages in demyelination disease and its time window and morphological features of damaged axons.

结论髓鞘脱失是CIDP主要的电生理学特点,但是对于CIDP的电生理诊断应该采用更为严格的标准。Conclusion Demyelination was main characteristic changes of the peripheral nerves in CIDP, the strict diagnostic criteria should be applied.

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目的为了探讨三叉神经痛与末梢支脱髓鞘、感染、缺血及神经管内压力持续增高的关系。Objective To study the relation between trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral branch demyelination , inflammation ischemia and bone tube pression.

光镜下可见小鼠脑和脊髓组织中有大量的炎性细胞浸润,并伴有明显的白质脱髓鞘改变。We found there were multiple inflammatory cells in the brain and spinal cords in EAE mice, and the demyelination changes in the white matter were evident.

坐骨神经的髓鞘存在不同程度的水肿,空泡样变性,结构紊乱和局灶性脱失。The myelin sheath of the sciatic nerve was characterized by edema of different degrees, vacuole-like denaturation, structural derangement and local demyelination.

脑组织中髓鞘脱失和淋巴组织中淋巴细胞减少是犬瘟热发生的主要原因,但其发生的机理还未完全搞清。Demyelination in brain tissues and lymphocyte depletion are main factors that cause dogs suffering from canine distemper, but the mechanism of lesions is unclear now.

但当向神经末梢周围的雪旺细胞注入这种蛋白时,没有变异的蛋白能阻止退化。But no variant of prion protein was able to prevent demyelination when introduced specifically into the Schwann cells that surround and support peripheral nerve cells.

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多发性硬化症是一种中枢神经系统白质脱髓鞘的疾病。Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, debilitating disease characterized by multiple areas of focal demyelination throughout the while matter of the central nervous system.

施万细胞很早就被看作用来治疗神经损伤和脱髓鞘紊乱性疾病,例如多器官硬化病,甚至脊髓损伤。"Schwann cells have been proposed as a cell type for treatment of nerve injuries, demyelination disorders such as multiple sclerosis, and even spinal cord injury, " said Dr.

此外,本实验发现坐骨神经干的不同分支脱髓鞘程度不同,并提出此变化与病鸡是否表现卷趾麻痹密切相关。The results also showed that degree of demyelination of branches of sciatic nerve were different and possibly associated with curled toe paralysis or no curled toe paralysis.