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干洗装置使用的干洗溶剂以外的其他氯乙烯。Dry cleaning installations that use dry cleaning solvents other than perchloroethylene.

接触氯乙烯已链接到的发展,肝脏肿瘤在小鼠体内。Exposure to perchloroethylene has been linked to the development of liver tumors in mice.

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举例来说,许多科学家认为,氯乙烯接触可造成肝脏或肾脏受损。For example, many scientists believe perchloroethylene exposure can cause liver or kidney damage.

提供测试的状态信息,对四氯乙烯,化学品的代名词,以氯乙烯。Provides testing status information on tetrachloroethylene, a synonymous chemical to perchloroethylene.

EPA的科学咨询委员会已确定氯乙烯作为一个可能的,以可能的人类致癌物质。EPA's Science Advisory Board has identified perchloroethylene as a possible to probable human carcinogen.

氯乙烯残留量从干洗过程中也可以渗入饮用水,造成了各种各样的问题。Perchloroethylene residue from dry cleaning processes can also seep into drinking water, causing a variety of problems.

氯乙烯是一种高效的清洁剂,虽然它可能会导致出血,颜色或损失,如果没有正确使用。Perchloroethylene is a highly effective cleaning agent, although it can result in color bleeding or loss if not used properly.

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建立了采用顶空气相色谱技术测定过氯乙烯中残留氯苯含量的新方法。A new method for the determination of residual chlorobenzene in perchloroethylene by headspace gas chromatography was developed.

本研究以过氯乙烯血管铸型法和大体解剖法研究肾动脉在肾内的分支。This paper deals with the renal artery branches in kidney by means of vascular casts with perchloroethylene and rongh dissection.

接触氯乙烯可发生在工作场所或在环境以下新闻稿,空气,水,土地,或地下水。Exposure to perchloroethylene can occur in the workplace or in the environment following releases to air, water, land, or groundwater.

氯乙烯是一种已知的致癌物质,甚至短期内接触到它能够引起各种中枢神经系统的相关问题。Perchloroethylene is a known carcinogen and even short term exposure to it can cause all sorts of central nervous system related problems.

干洗业四氯乙烯溶剂及其处理的安全问题已被认为是干洗业持续发展的评判标准。The safety assurance of Perchloroethylene solvents and its disposal compliance in dry cleaning has been regarded as appraisal criteria for sustainable development of dry cleaning.