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构思草图。Ideation sketches.

没有一种药物当前包含构想自杀观念的警告。Neither drug currently carries a warning about suicide ideation.

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②气质性乐观对应激事件与自杀意念之河的关系具有调节作用。The effect of stress events on suicide ideation was moderated by dispositional optimism.

要是患者否认自杀构想但是却在在线博客上发表自杀信息怎么办?What if a patient denies suicidal ideation but posts suicidal messages on an online blog?

它们都是十分重要的过程,但千万不要为了评价而不顾构思。They are both critical processes, but don’t turn off the ideation by turning on the evaluation.

判断自杀意图真实与否的着眼点之一就是找到“为什么是现在”的答案。One starting point for judging the authenticity of suicidal ideation is to figure out “why now?”

调查中国农村地区农药接触与自杀意念之间的关系。To investigate the association between pesticide exposure and suicidal ideation in rural areas of China.

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自杀意念是自杀未遂和有自杀死亡者早期的心理活动。Suicide ideation refers to the mentation of an attempted suicide and suicide completer at the early stage.

战略思维能力是现代领导者必备的素质,它蕴涵着丰富的内容。Strategic ideation is the necessary quality that modem leaders must inheres, it contains abundant contents.

结论与病例结合的教学对临床思维能力的培养有显著作用。Conclusion Teaching combined with cases should have significant function on the cultivation of clinic ideation.

受访者产生自杀意念与自杀企图的两大主要原因为家庭因素及情感因素。As for suicide ideation and suicide attempt, two of the most important reasons were family and susceptibilities.

目的提高“实验诊断”的教学质量和培养学生的临床思维能力。Objective To improve the teaching quality of experimental diagnoses and to cultivate the clinic ideation of students.

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结论气质性乐观是负性生活事件与自杀意念之间的调节器。Conclusion Dispositional optimism would be a moderator of the relationship between negative life events and suicide ideation.

我承认我是从手绘效果图“起家”的,但我现在已逐渐从手绘效果图走向硬笔绘画,我也不知道怎样说更合适。I admit that I did ideation sketching at the initial time, but now what I do is hard pen painting rather than ideation sketching.

也有人可能害怕会被关起来,虽然只有自杀想法是不足以被关进一间病房里的。Others may fear being locked up, although suicidal ideation alone is not a sufficient reason to place a patient on a locked ward.

目的在医学生中探讨气质性乐观、生活事件与自杀意念的关系。Objective To explore the relationship among negative life events, dispositional optimism and suicide ideation in medical students.

他预计很快就会有相关的工具出现,这些工具能帮助我们将构思转换为实际可用的东西。He envisions that we will soon have tools based on state and transition. They will help us transition from "ideation" to "usability".

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他注意到构想自杀观念对于服用抗癫痫药物的双相患者来说是“非常罕见”。He noted that suicide ideation for patients with bipolar disorder who were taking an antiepileptic agent was “a very unusual outcome.”

结论强制戒毒者的自杀未遂率和自杀意念发生率远高于普通人群。Conclusion The occurrence rates of suicidal attempt and suicidal ideation in drug Abstainers are far higher than those in normal people.

结果病例分析及讨论使抽象的理论内容变得生动形象,使学生的临床思维能力得到培养。Results Cases analysis and discussion made the theory component of abstract become lively, and made students' clinic ideation cultivated.