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北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。Northland scenery, ice thousands of miles, miles.

经常像个无畏的英雄遥望北国大地。I often gazed toward the northland like a hero without fears.

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石林叠翠老君山,北国山水走洛阳。Shilin Pinnacle Laojunshan, Northland landscapes take Luoyang.

北地的风在低语,新的篇章即将诞生!The wind of the northland whisper, that new artical is about to come.

北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得。However, the autumn of northland comes extra lightly, silently and dismally.

不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了。I have not come upon the autumn in northland approximately more than ten years.

在北国这一个下雪的晚上,又将无眠。远方的你,可好?In such a snowy night in the northland , I will remain wake gain. Faraway, how are you?

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南国对于北国在食品生产和衣服生产上具有绝对优势。Southland has an absolute advantage over Northland in the production of Food and Clothing.

南纬38度北侧为北地盆地,三块区域的边界是人为界线。North of 38'S is the Northland Basin, but the boundaries between the three areas are artificial.

有人说所有的员工都为在巡回展的最后一程带展品到北岛参展而感到骄傲。Sb. Says staff are proud to bring the exhibition to Northland on the final leg of its national tour.

眉友种植晌何庄稼。除欧洲西北部何再靠北方的地区外,人类营想在徘里生存是不容易的。No crops were planted. Except in north-west Europe and the far northland it was all Man could to exist.

没有种植任何庄稼。除欧洲西北部和再靠北方的地区外,人类要想在那里生存是不轻易的。No crops were planted. Except in north-west Europe and the far northland it was all Man could do to exist.

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老龙湾,原名薰冶水,为省级风景名胜区,有“北国江南”之称。Old Longwan, formerly smoked and water, to the provincial level scenic spots, are called" northland Jiangnan".

北国尸体堆如麻,尘土瞬间洒隋唐,帝国烟火遍天下。The northland corpse heap, such as , the dust spreads Sui Tang in a twinkling, the empire firework time world.

还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更象样。Yet the autumn rain, in northland also seemed stranger, is more exciting and more presentable than in southland.

“我只是吓坏了,”乔尔亨特说,他是佛罗里达州奥兰多市拥有15000名成员的北国教会的资深牧师。"I'm just flabbergasted," said Joel Hunter, senior pastor of the 15,000 member Northland Church in Orlando, Fla.

自从进入北国,主人的一再变换使巴克产生了一种恐惧,担心没有一位主人可以持久不变。His transient masters since he had come into the Northland had bred in him a fear that no master could be permanent.

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陇南地区紧邻四川省北部,距震中汶川最近距离仅200公里。Longnan region is close to northland of Sichuan province, the shortest distance from Wenchuan-epicenter is only 200 km.

湖南省云山自然保护区主要保护对象是中亚热带向北亚热带过渡的代表性森林生态系统。Representational forest-ecological system transiting form central subtropics to northland was protected in Yunshan nature reserve.

和北国相比较,南国在食品生产上具有比较优势,因为其食品生产的机会成本较低。Southland has a comparative advantage in food production, because of its lower opportunity cost of production with respect to Northland.