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这些蚕吐丝量很大。The silkworms are producing well.

生产方形木柱的车间。Workshop for producing square beams.

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拥有或产生球茎、球根。Bearing or producing bulbs or bulbils.

他多半时间咳出浓浓的痰。His cough is dry, producing no phlegm.

美国生产马海毛最顶尖的州是德克萨斯州。America's top producing state is Texas.

他们经营煤碳生意。Producing or containing carbon or coal.

公司分别生产可口可乐和百事可乐Coke and Pepsi are producing this stuff.

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目前的深圳人是犀牛还是牛?Is this culture producing rhinos or cows?

我们的工厂已不再生产自行车。Our factory has ceased producing bicycles.

这个峡谷以回声而闻名。The canyon is famous for producing echoes.

我们要生产加勒比茶。We're going to be producing Caribbean teas.

节省鞋楦,降低制造成本。Reducing producing cost through last-saving.

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肯定不会是那些业绩良好的公司Not the ones that are producing great results.

一种均苯四甲酸二酐的生产方法。A method of producing pyromellitic dianhydride.

这就是制造疫苗的新方法And that's a new approach to producing vaccines.

我花了半天制作这首歌,希望你们会喜欢我这钢琴版。I've spent half day producing this piano version.

或其他参与制作的人,去制作音乐。or whoever's producing the content to produce it.

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先容了低湿氛围制取的一种要领。A process producing low-humidity air is introduced.

图片显示制作人造肉的过程Graphic showing process of producing synthetic meat

专业主要从事塑料网眼袋的生产与经营。It is mostly engaged in producing plastic mesh bag.