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它如何为人类提供一个适宜的居住地?How does it provide a liveable habitat for people?

但尽管如此,上海从很多方面说都更适于居住。Yet for all that, Shanghai is in lots of ways a more liveable city.

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农民和工人可以在安全的环境中工作,赚取足以维生和可持续的收入。Farmers and workers earn a liveable and sustainable income in a safe work setting.

如何回应这个世界上最适宜居住的城市存在的丑陋面在于我们大家。The response to the ugly side of the world's most liveable city rests with us all.

新竹的名次仅次于台北,接著是台南及台中市。Xinzhu was rated the most liveable place behind Taipei, followed by Tainan and Taizhong cities.

珀斯是一个非常适合居住的城市,我坚信她是一个理想的学习和旅游的目的地。Perth is a very liveable city and I strongly believe it to be an exciting education and tourist destination.

松江新城,几经打磨,现已成为上海的一个新亮点,也是未来最适宜居住的城市之一。Songjiang Metro, after burnish, Shanghai has become a new bright spot, but also the next most liveable cities.

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可居住城巷环保车在城市道路及居住城巷的环境清洁过程中得到广泛应用。Liveable city alley green car are commonly used in city alley clean process on the urban and city living roads.

有些家是仍然可以居住的,猎人和渔夫为了不用负累而将他们的工具留在这里。Some of the homes are still rather liveable. Hunters and fishermen leave their equipment there in order not to drag it along.

我们从我们旅馆的窗口窥视到一个很有生活气息的住宅,Alison已经完全准备好搬进去了,甚至在想象屋顶上的聚会。We spy a very liveable residence from our hotel window, Alison is ready to move in and can just picture the soirées on the roof.

“国际花园社区”是人类居住文明的最高荣誉,有“绿色奥斯卡——社区诺贝尔”之称。International Liveable Community represents the top honor of resident culture of humankind. It has the reputation of "green Oscar".

内部设计方案和布局充满想象力,令人耳目一新并且相对于同价位的标准英式房间更加宜居。The interior plan and layout is refreshing, highly imaginative and very liveable compared to standard British boxes of a similar price.

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新加坡在2010年美世生活质量调查全世界最宜居城市中排名第28名,在生态城市排名中为第22名。Singapore ranked 28th in the Mercer 2010 Quality of Living survey of the world's most liveable cities, and in 22nd place as an Eco-City.

事实上,它已经连续两年在经济学人智库的世界最宜居城市排行榜上高居榜首。In fact, it has claimed the number one spot for two years running on the Economist Intelligence Unit's ranking of the most liveable cities.

经济学人信息社的最新调查显示,2010年冬奥会主办地温哥华是全球最宜居城市。Winter Olympics host Vancouver is the most liveable city in the world, according to the latest rankings by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

墨尔本击败温哥华成为全球最适合居住的城市,而温哥华的这个“冠军”已经蝉联了将近十年之久。The Australian city of Melbourne has beaten Canada's Vancouver to the title of world's most liveable city for the first time in almost a decade.

因此,围绕“城市,让生活更美好”的主题,世博会主办方鼓励各参展国为适合21世纪居住的城市作大胆构想。With the theme ‘Better city, better life’ Expo organisers have challenged participants to generate ideas for liveable cities in the 21st century.

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我相信,BCI“十大建筑设计公司奖”获奖者都理解这一责任,并会携手同心,努力为我们的子孙后代营造一个可持续的宜居世界。I have no doubt that the BCI Top Ten architects understand that duty, and that they will help build a world that will be a sustainable and liveable place for our children.

因为我每个项目都视同做自己家的装饰,我会对所有可行的细节加以考虑,以保证最后得到的是一个宜居,而非貌似不错的空间。Because I treat every project like a décor project for my own home, I consider all the practical details to ensure that the result is a liveable space versus one that simply looks good.

据路透社报道,由经济学人信息部所做的年度调查显示,温哥华连续第5年高居全球最宜居城市榜首,墨尔本位列第二。Vancouver topped the list of the world's most liveable cities for the 5th straight year, while Melbourne claimed 2nd place in the annual survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Reuters reported.