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此陀螺运动叫做进动。This gyroscopic motion is called precession.

陀螺传感器测量的立方体的动作。Gyroscopic sensors measure the movements of the cubes.

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给出了减小陀螺效应耦合的控制流程。The control flow of decreasing gyroscopic coupling is presented.

本文考虑一类阻尼陀螺系统特征值反问题。An inverse eigenvalue problem for damped gyroscopic systems is considered.

三条支撑臂环抱着一颗旋转的回转仪球体,球内安装有机器人的控制脑。The bracing arms surrounded a rotating gyroscopic ball that housed the droid's brain.

这种变化后的表达式将更适合于进一步研究陀螺现象。This modified formulation is more adaptable to a further study of gyroscopic phenomena.

为满足工程需要,对其已完全失效的回转支承进行了国产化制造。In order to meet the needs of project construction, the gyroscopic support is made at home.

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它由电力驱动,用轮椅车马达与陀螺仪技术使之运行。It's powered by electricity using wheelchair motors and gyroscopic technology to make it move.

这个研究领域是惯性导航和陀螺稳定器技术的核心。This area of study is central to the technology of inertial navigation and gyroscopic stabilization.

陀螺系统特征值问题是在转子动力学中提出的一个典型的数学问题。Eigenvalue problem of gyroscopic systems is a typical mathematical problem derived in rotor dynamics.

陀螺测量仪由陀螺仪、罗盘、铅锤以及经过改造的电影摄像机等组成。The gyroscopic surveying instrument uses a gyroscope, compass card, plumb bob, and modified movie camera.

简要介绍了SRG陀螺测斜仪的原理、结构及数学模型。The principle, construction and mathematical model of SRG gyroscopic inclinometer are introduced in brief.

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拥有高科技的自我平衡的陀螺仪使它能够平滑和稳定的飞行,甚至飞行更平稳。A sophisticated gyroscopic auto-stability feature makes for smooth and stable flying, even smoother flight.

改造后经一年半的运行检验,回转支承性能良好。According to the operation and check for one and half years, such gyroscopic support is good in performance.

研究说明陀螺经纬仪的使用,可以减少地下导线测量的误差传播。Study proves that use of gyroscopic theodolite can decrease the error propagation in the underground traverses survey.

磁悬浮飞轮转子在高转速下表现出的陀螺效应是影响系统稳定性的主要因素。At high rotational speeds, the gyroscopic effect of flywheel rotor is the major factor that influences rotor stability.

本文分别从质心运动和车轮的回转效应来分析自行车的稳定性。The artical analyses the stability of the bicycle from both the motion of mass-center and the gyroscopic action of bicycles.

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这是地球呈陀螺仪状倾斜后不久的事情,当时墨西哥湾流同日本湾流分道扬镳了。Time shortly after the earth had taken its gyroscopic lean – when the Gulf Stream was parting ways with the Japanese current.

这是地球呈陀螺仪状倾斜后不久的事件,当时墨西哥MEXICO湾流同日本Japan湾流分道扬镳了。Time shortly despite the earth had getn its gyroscopic lean – when the Gulf Stream were parting ways with the Japanese current.

更大的陀螺性能和较低的质心更容易平衡比普通独轮车,但不容易操作。The greater gyroscopic properties and lower center of mass make it easier to balance than a normal unicycle but less maneuverable.