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本文还根据分析结果给出了具体的预防和改进措施。At the last of this paper, preventive and reformative measures are given.

提出一种改进词共现模型的自动摘要方法。A automatic Abstracting method based on reformative co-occurrence model is proposed.

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最后,作为研究的目标,提出了一个改进的基于输入法引擎标准的框架。Finally, as the object of study, a reformative framework based on IME Standard is proposed.

实验组患者心脏冷停搏液中加入生脉注射液。In the experimental group, the Shengmai injection was added to the reformative Thomas solution.

浓缩风能型风力发电机改进模型是由相似模型改进而成。The reformative model of concentrated wind energy turbine was converted from a resembled model.

推行改革措施的规范性文件,必须经市政府批准。Normative document containing reformative measures shall be approved by the municipal government.

第三部分主要是抗战时期国民政府高等教育改革措施的推行。The third part is about how the reformative policies of higher education were implemented in that period.

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针对当前邮政文化资源开发的若干不足之处,提出了改进措施。By analyzing the deficiencies in nowadays exploration, the paper also puts forwards some reformative strategies.

在此基础上进一步提出,面向未来的中小学课程改革策略应当是一种整体的全方位的改革策略。The paper puts forward that the strategy for future curriculum reform should be a multidimensional, reformative one.

目前主要从事销售改良配件,越野用品,越野旅游。We mainly engage in selling 4WD reformative equipment and the cross-country traveling equipment, cross-country travel.

实验发现这些缺陷产生于两个根本原因——微观的神经元病态和宏观的学习盲目性。And the macroscopical blindness of learning this reformative BP-NET divided the whole learning process to many learning-p.

粒径改良路基经历的融化期略长于天然场地,但远短于普通路基。The thaw period of particle reformative roadbed is longer than that of natural field, but less than that of normal roadbed.

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关于仲裁机构体制改革的讨论凸显其间的话语之争和利益博弈。Different reformative approaches to restructure arbitration institutions reflect the divergence in interests among stakeholders.

它是中国改革开放这一伟大历史进程奏鸣的序曲,也是为半个多世纪以来思想禁锢、文化专制时代的结束敲响的丧钟。It was the "sonata" to China's reformative years and the end to more than half a century of thoughts imprisonment and feudalism.

通过优化基本方法的操作步骤、试剂用量与作用时间,建立了一种改良的DNA快速提取方法。Through optimizing the steps, dosage of reagents and manipulating time, a reformative method is formed for extracting DNA rapidly.

方法对17例丘脑肿瘤采用改良经皮层脑室入路进行显微手术切除并获得6个月至3年的随访。Method 17 cases were operated via the reformative transcortical transventricular approach and have been followed-up 6 to 36 months.

方法采用改进的倒置显微镜法进行尿沉渣镜检,并与尿沉渣定量计数板法比较。Methods Examined urine sediment with a reformative upside-down microscopy and compared the results with that of Fast-read grid Kid.

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森鸥外所处的时代正在进行着效仿欧洲的改革,但是在很多方面又只是粗浅的表面的维新。In his time, the reform carried out in Europe was being copied, but in many respects this copy was merely superficially reformative.

实验与计算结果表明,改进后的方法能够快速有效地完成匀场过程。The results of experiment and computation indicate that the shimming process can be completed effectually by the reformative method.

另外,本文在现有研究工作的基础上,指出了其中存在的不足之处,并探讨了在未来的研究工作中的改进方向。Finally, this paper points out the deficiencies on the basis of the present research and probes into the reformative aspect in the future.