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你是活着的。You are alive.

摄政王还活着?The Regent alive?

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谁还活着女孩儿?Whos is alive girl?

我要活剥他的皮。I'll flay him alive.

万幸,你还活着。Luckily, you’re alive.

还是活着度过虚伪的一生?。Or alive to live alie?

什么,生吞一只老鼠?What. eat a tat alive?

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是的,唐纳.莫尔纳还活着。Donna Molnar was alive.

我们把他们活捉了。We captured them alive.

我会把你们都杀了。I'll take you all alive.

没有人对我垂怜。None alive will pity me.

根儿依然是活着的。The root is still alive.

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我是因为你才活下来的?。I'm alive because of you?

梦的人是从哪里来活着。dreams of man come alive.

我是世上最和善的人。I'm the mildest man alive.

但是,我仍然活着。However, I was still alive.

我是一只狗儿,但我也是生物。I am a dog, but I am alive.

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一旦我钓到了一条鱼还活着。Once I caught a fish alive.

我与你生同一个衾。Alive we share the same bed.

六只小羊都很平安地活着。All six were safe and alive.