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利物浦在对贝赫拉米的出价上击败了西汉姆联。Liverpool are set to outbid West Ham United for Lazio midfielder Valon Behrami.

“我有些不好的消息要告诉你,”他说,“那个为这书,竞价高过你的?“I have some more bad news for you, ” he said. “The person who outbid you for the book?

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建立您的帝国之一,钻机在一个时间主宰巷道和出价竞争。Build your empire one rig at a time to dominate the roadways and outbid the competition.

它也觊觎加拿大铝业集团——一个法加铝业公司,但是去年被力拓中标。It also had its eye on Alcan, a big French-Canadian aluminum operator, but was outbid last year by Rio Tinto.

台湾的公共电视今夏出乎预料高价击败商业电视台抢下洋基转播权。Taiwan's public television network unexpectedly outbid commercial channels for the right to broadcast Yankees games this summer.

甚至在争夺莱罗塔列时,尤文只除了7M欧元,甚至这样,都比罗马出价高整整一百万!Instead they go for Legrottaglie who is rated at 7 million Euros only and even at that price Juve outbid them by a million bucks! ! !

台湾的公共电视网出人意料的出高价的商业频道的权利金在今年夏天转播洋基的比赛。Taiwan's public television network unexpectedly outbid commercial channels for the rights to broadcast Yankees games here this summer.

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腾讯应该在他还能做点什么挽救他的那些钱的时候及时动手,像谷歌在2006年用他那炙手可热的股票以高于竞争对手的价格收购YouTube一样。It should do something with that currency while it can, the way Google used its enviable stock currency to outbid rivals for acquisitions like YouTube back in 2006.

我不会忘记年轻夫妇们十指紧扣,死死盯住拍卖屏幕,才发现自己最初的梦想房子已经被口吐普通话的买家出高价买走。I remember seeing young couples with their hands clenched and eyes glued to the auction screen only to find their first dream house outbid by someone screaming in mandarin.

洋基队可能在竞标松坂上获胜,但是他们已经在冬天准备补强更多投手战力,他们对于这场竞争的预算是供不应求的。The Yankees may have been outbid for Matsuzaka, but they are already on the board in the winter race for more pitching, a competition in which demand always exceeds supply.

印度重工向拉贾斯坦邦政府位于Jhalawar的120万千瓦Kalisindh热电厂项目的报价也高于另一个新涉足的企业-BRG能源公司。BHEL has also been outbid by another new player BGR Energy for equipment supply to the Rajasthan government's 1,200 MW Kalisindh thermal power project at Jhalawar near Kota.

如果政府支出增加或者缩减,这被称为财政政策,可以被用来缓解失业或者稳定物价。As supply dwindles or demand increases, a long-term rise in oil prices can occur as market participants outbid one another to attain a seemingly finite supply of the commodity.

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这种制度的缺点则是当地制片人会受到排挤,无法使用以美国市场为目标的昂贵设备,而且必须出高价竞争,才能聘请到当地人才。The disadvantage of such a system is that local filmmakers are crowded out of high-priced facilities aimed at the U. S. market and are outbid in the competition for local talent.

与家乐福在中国有200多家连锁店相比,沃尔玛在中国只有66家连锁店,沃尔玛此次出价不仅比家乐福高,而且还高出英国的特易连锁店以及中国一家大型零售商联华超市的出价高。Wal-Mart, which has only 66 stores in China compared with Carrefour's more than 200, outbid not only Carrefour, but also Tesco of Britain and one of China's large retailers, Lianhua.

据路透社报道,西班牙马德里动物园日前向章鱼保罗发出“转会”邀约,并告知保罗目前生活的德国奥伯豪森水族馆,它开出的条件将优于所有竞争对手,并会给予保罗最体贴的照顾。The Madrid zoo made a transfer bid for Paul the oracle octopus, telling his aquarium in Germany it would outbid all others and guarantee that Paul will receive the best attention, Reuters reported.