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一列车队呼啸而过。A motorcade whirred by.

车队沿山路盘旋而上。The motorcade spiralled up the mountain.

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走开点,孩子们。车队就要出发了。Cut away, children. The motorcade is starting.

车队浩浩荡荡地向北京机场进发。The mighty motorcade headed for Beijing Airport.

有时总统车队放慢速度缓缓而行。At times the president's motorcade slowed to a crawl.

请让一让,总统的车队开过来了。Stand aside,please. The motorcade of the President is coming.

在田纳西州东南部城市查塔努加的警察在等待总统车队。Police in Chattanooga, Tenn., wait for the President's motorcade.

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当尼克松的车队驶入北京时,街道上已经清除了所有旁观者。When Nixon's motorcade drove into Beijing, the streets had been cleared of onlookers.

1996年兼任某工程塑料厂车队管理工作。In 1996 held a concurrent post of some project plastics plant motorcade supervisory work.

查塔努加的两位市民观望著经过的总统车队。Two residents of Chattanooga, Tenn., watch the President's motorcade pass through the city.

车队离开机场时,十几个成装骑士与十几匹被打扮得五颜六色的达尔巴马夹道欢送。As the motorcade left the airport, dozens of colorful Darba horses and riders lined the road.

在德克萨斯州的达拉斯市中心,有三枚子弹射向了肯尼迪总统的车队。In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.

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因此,华储现已在北京市房山区建立绿色车队。Therefore, Sinolgis has currently established a green motorcade in Fangshan District in Beijing.

在北京,瑞吉酒店已经戒备森严,静静等待奥巴马总统车队的到来。In Beijing, the St. Regis has been sealed off and is quietly awaiting the arrival of Obama's motorcade.

居尔的车队疾驶过埃里温市中心时,街上的车辆停驶,警察和示威者站在街道两旁。Police and demonstrators lined the traffic-free streets as his motorcade sped through downtown Yerevan.

不久后作为总统身份的更进一步标志,浩荡的车队将会很快成为他日常生活的一部分。A further sign of the presidential trappings that will soon be part of his daily life was the motorcade.

雷诺车队也已经稳获08年一级方程式世界锦标赛的第四名。The Reynold motorcade also already was sure to attain 08 year first-level equation world series's fourth.

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电视画面显示,布托车队旁边的一名男子朝她的脑后开了三枪。Television footage shows a man alongside Ms. Bhutto's motorcade firing three shots at the back of her head.

G8对上述计划的承诺没维持多久,只与他们的车队脚底抹油逃回机场所花的时间一样长。The G8 commitment to these plans lasts as long as it takes the motorcade to hightail it back to the airport.

该新闻称阿姆斯特朗将加入07环法冠军康塔多所在的阿斯特纳车队。This news said that Armstrong will join Asi who 07 link law champion conta many are at the Turner motorcade.