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宝贝,让我们大放光芒吧!Baby let us shine.

你钔兜是苊德阳光。You are mY SuN shinE.

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你在这是发光发亮。You’re here to shine.

愿艾露恩的光线晖映着你们!May Elune shine upon you!

世界将如雪溶,太阳不再发光。The sun forbear to shine.

不论晴雨你都得工作。You'll work rain or shine.

先生擦皮鞋吗?Give your shoes a shine sir?

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你的时代即将大放光芒。Your time has come to shine.

却被你的光芒照得通亮。Were you shine as a Tongliang.

阳光还会普照大地么?Will the sun ever shine again?

丛林中狭长的湖泊上波光闪闪。Long lakes shine in the jungle.

上帝,让你的光芒普照大地。God, shine your light down here.

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愿你光照我们,求剔出污秽这生命全让你掌管。Oh let your face shine up-on us.

那点亮闪闪的东西对我们很重要吗?That bit of shine matters to us?

出门前把你的皮鞋擦亮。Shine your shoes before going out.

看学校视频,唱歌曲,加强。Sing a song-Our school will shine.

我们把光从黑暗里照出来We Shine the Light in the Darkness

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你的金色阳光会照耀着我!Your golden sun will shine for me!

可令皮毛光亮,如丝般润滑。Extra shine and silkiness to coats.