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地锚?。Ground anchor?

滴落在地上。to the ground.

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便哇哇地哭起来。Then the ground cry.

他坚持己见。He stands his ground.

地滚球。Ground ball, grounder.

他咬牙切齿地诅咒。He ground out an oath.

这是地面控胤制台。This is ground control.

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而今天,我们破土动工。Today, we break ground.

我们叫它滚地球。We call it ground ball.

巴克倒落在地。Buck fell to the ground.

雪遮盖着大地。Snow covered the ground.

因为洪水地上全湿了。The ground is the flood.

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这块地好耙。This ground harrows well.

大地苍凉,百花尽谢。No flower upon the ground.

她再望望地上。She glanced on the ground.

地面开冻了。The ground has thawed out.

地面的冰已经融化了。The ground has thawed out.

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地势突然隆起。The ground rises abruptly.

终于飘落在地上。Finally fall on the ground.

摇摇摆摆落向地面。Flutter down to the ground.