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来自中国的紫砂壶,古典而优美。Tea pot from China. classicality and beauty.

我们大量提供优质,实惠的古典家具!We can offer a lot of good quality boon classicality furniture!

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而蓑衣却依然沉睡在古典中。The coir raincoat, however, still sleeps deeply in classicality.

她实在无处可去,于是就呆在家里看看旧书。She read some classicality at home because nowhere to lie fallow indeed.

思美特精妙绝伦的制作工艺源自欧美古典、简洁风格。The delicate processing technique of Smet roots in Euramerican style of the classicality and simplicity.

内心深处,曾有一种向往,远离尘埃的宣器,品位着经典与浪漫。A desire in the cockles of the heart is to be aloof from worldly din and taste classicality and romantics.

欧式木质门窗使您的房屋具有古典幽雅的气质。Wood windows and doors makes you building classicality and ethereally with European wood windows and doors.

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当时,法国人和意大利人设计的这种庭园闻名于世,从而吹响了回归古典的号角。At that time , this kind of design of French and Italian is famous in the world , then blowing the clarion to back to classicality.

从传播接受史的角度看,唐诗经典意义的形成是一个动态的多元化过程。In terms of disseminating and accepting history, the classicality of the Tang poetry was a dynamic and multiplying historical process.

安惠里不但与当地的庄园建筑群和谐交融,更具有独特的古典与精致。Anhuili is not only in harmony with the mansion building complex, but also possess its own unique features of classicality and elegance.

结果表明,该方法可以弥补其他方法的不足之处,从而对古典家具的结构进行定量分析。Results show that the proposed method can make up for the disadvantages of other methods in the structural analysis of classicality fitment.

我国的家具品种及其式样风格是中式与西式互映,古典与现代共荣。The fitments in our country have a lot of pattern and style. They are of Chinese style and Western-style, classicality style and modem style.

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我公司的铁艺产品,采用冷弯、锻等工艺手法,完美的刻画出铁艺的古典,优雅与浪漫。The iron art products of company adopt method of cold bending and hot forging to depict perfect classicality , elegance and romance of iron art.

平静与动感,古典与现代,城市与自然的完美结合,一次令人怦然心动的北欧之旅岂容错过!There is a combination of peace and innervation, classicality and modern, city and nature, you can not miss such an attractive travel in your life!

寻求古典与现代、传统与未来的完美融合,为和谐社会注入书香。He is always seeking the perfect integration of classicality and modernism, tradition and future to introduce the reading aroma into the harmonious society.

从其诗作中,我们可以读到李亚伟莽汉式的温柔、传统的温柔,这与暴力有关,而又可以归属于古典。In his works, we can feel Li Ya-wei's traditional gentleness of a rude man. This is connected with violence, which can also be categorized into classicality.