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一个夏天,梵出国旅游了。One summer, Fane traveled abroad.

白色雅致的神殿在日光中闪烁。The white and graceful fane gleamed brightly in the sun.

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翻译中国可以随时对本使用条款进行修改。These Terms of Use may be amended by FanE. cn at any time.

一个没有行而上学的民族就像一座没有祭坛的神殿。A nation without metaphysics just like a fane without altar.

新疆目前现存的一座最大的比较完整的黄教寺院。It is the greatest and more integrated Yellow Jiao fane in Xin Jiang at present.

门多萨在14岁参加了一场拳击赛后一举成名。Mendoza rose to fane swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old.

自从佛教传入中国后,寺观园林中的寺院园林也有了大发展。Since the introduction of Buddhism to China, the fane gardens have been great development.

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本论文主要论述唐代寺院园林的形制以及僧侣的园林生活。This discourse will introduce configuration of the fane gardens and the garden life of monks.

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南海神庙是岭南文化海洋性特质和中西文化融合、创新的一个典范。The South China Sea Fane is a nonesuch which syncretizes of Ling Nan culture and culture of china and occident.

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继承和弘扬南海神庙所表现的传统文化,是广州海洋文化建设的主要组成部分。For succeeding and blazoning forth traditional culture, rebuilding South China Sea Fane becomes the core of developing Guangzhou oceanic culture.

结论安多藏区寺院中以时轮学院为中心的天文历算教育在整个藏族科技教育史上占有不容忽视的地位。Conclusion The astronomy education in Shilun seminary of fane in Anduo Tibetan Area was very important in the history of Tibetan science education.

翻译中国保留随时修改或更新本网站内容或内容格式的权利,恕不另行通知!FanE. cn reserves the right to make changes or updates with respect to or in the Content of the Web Site or the format thereof at any time without notice.

主持了广州光孝寺、广州南海神庙等国家级、省市级等四十多项文物建筑保护修缮工程。He was in charge of the rebounding of Guangxian Temple in Guangzhou, Nanhai Fane and the conservation of more than forty relic and historical constructions.

突出表现在会计专职人员的出现,神殿会计、庄园会计、商业会计及旧式金融会计的形成,以及会计方法的发展方面。For example, full-time accountants appeared, fane accounting, fazenda accountings commerce accountings old finance accounting and accounting method, all developed.

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