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它不过是一艘现代的货船。It is a modern freighter.

货船正装货准备驶往日本。The freighter is loading for Japan.

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拖轮把货船拖进海港了。The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor.

这辆重型运输汽车是由两台电动机驱动的。This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.

四是持续做好24小时入货工作。Fourth, continue to do work 24 hours into the freighter.

确认你的旅行保险包含搭货船旅行。Check that your travel insurance covers freighter travel.

装着生铁的货船正在破浪前进。The freighter carrying pig iron is cleaving through the water.

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那货船在狂风巨浪中断成了两截。The freighter split in two under the force of the stormy waves.

这艘货船除了货物之外还载有一些乘客。The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo.

我们把驱逐舰伪装成运输船蒙蔽敌人。We deceived the enemy by disguising the destroyer as a freighter.

一艘新型的远洋货轮正在那家船厂建造。A new-type ocean-going freighter is being laid down at that shipyard.

一艘新型的远洋货轮正在那家船厂建造。A new-type ocean-going freighter is being laid down at that ship yard.

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这艘货轮可以把一船煤直接从上海运到东京。This freighter can carry a cargo of coal direct from Shanghai to Tokyo.

货船从中国最南端省份出发,经过13小时的行程运来了淡水。Fresh water comes by freighter on a 13-hour journey from China's southernmost province.

在孟加拉吉大港里,工人们将一艘货轮解体,使得每一部分可以作为废品销售。In Chittagong, Bangladesh, workers take apart a freighter so the parts can be sold for scrap.

索马里海盗发言人苏戈勒·阿里解释为何劫持乌克兰货船。Sugule Ali, Somali pirate spokesman, explaining why the group hijacked a Ukrainian freighter.

货船终于于八月十六日停靠在佐世保港,港口异常沉静,很是古怪。When the freighter finally ported in Sasebo on the morning of August 16th, the port was weirdly silent.

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在与火箭分离之后,货运飞船将利用自身的助推器进入轨道位置。After separating from the Ariane, the freighter will use its own thrusters to get to the orbiting outpost.

他们俩乘坐巴巴的货船从一个港口驶往另一个港口,最终在塔图因停留了一段时间。The two traveled aboard Baba's freighter from port to port, eventually settling on Tatooine for some time.

我们将要介绍的搭货船旅行是一段往返于澳大利亚和新西兰之间为期5天的短期航行。Our introduction to freighter travel was a relatively short 5-day sailing between Australia and New Zealand.