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她戴着银项链儿,坠着个挂盒。She wore a locket hanging on a silver chain.

我需要您的帮忙,我太太把项链坠丢了。I need help because my wife has lost her locket.

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现在的小黄金锁我的妻子用来磨损。Now the little gold locket my wife used to wear.

画家应该多画些他小金盒里的脸庞。Painters should multiply the face in his locket.

第一颗心,是一个放置咱俩照片的小挂盒。One heart is a locket with a picture of you and me together.

葡萄看铜脑身上有些她一辈子理解不了的东西。Grape sees something in Copper Locket that she will never understand.

有什么东西会比锁着你的相片的小金盒更经典吗?What could be more classic than a fine gold locket with your photo inside?

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有漂亮的白金耳坠,也可以给她买个小金盒。We have this beautiful platinum pendant, or you could also get her a locket.

伊利里欧把他的右手刺进左袖拉出一个银盒。Illyrio thrust his right hand up his left sleeve and drew out a silver locket.

因为政治上的罪行,铜脑丢了工作回到农村。Having being politically condemned, Copper Locket loses his job and comes back to farm.

和藏着一个里面印有R.A.B。标志的金色小盒,他终于发现了伤口就是这个尖利的边缘。Sneakoscope, and a gold locket inside which a note signed R. A. B. had been hidden, he.

铜脑问为啥这般护着他爹,葡萄说为啥不?Copper Locket asks Grape why she protects his father like this, and she answers, why not?

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他可以看到她从她的脖子松开了她紧固他自己的小饰盒。He could see her as she unclasped from her neck the locket which she fastened about his own.

那年夏天,我拿到了生日礼物,一只黄金的挂在项链下的小盒子。我剪下了爸爸的心形的画像放在里面佩戴着。That summer I got a gold locket for my birthday and cut out a heart-shaped portrait of my dad to wear inside.

但是,在最后一部书中,三个朋友找到了萨拉查·斯莱特林的挂坠盒,他们必须要销毁它。In the final book, the three friends have identified Salazar Slytherin's Locket as something they must destroy.

铜脑没留心到葡萄对自己的迷恋,直到一天葡萄偶然碰到自己的脸。Copper Locket is not aware of Grape's infatuation with him until one day her hand touches his face accidentally.

宝玉忙托了锁看时,果然一面有四个篆字,两面八字,共成两句吉谶。Baoyu took the locket eagerly and found two inscriptions, one on either side, in the form of eight minute characters.

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他能做的只是将颤抖的手举到喉咙口,摸一摸刚才挂坠盒紧紧勒进他肉里的地方。All he could do was raise a shaking hand to his throat and feel the place where the locket had cut tightly into his flesh.

你知道拿破仑给了约瑟芬什么结婚礼物吗?是一个金匣子,他在里面刻了字“命运”。You know what Napoleon gave Josephine as a wedding present? It was a gold locket. And onthe inside, he made an inion "Destiny".

那是一个老式的金制的小饰盒,上面刻着她父母的名字还有他们的结婚日期。It was an old fashioned golden locket bearing miniatures of her father and mother with their names and the date of their marriage.