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气孔分布区内的表皮细胞有时为多边形。Epidermal cells on areas with stomata are polygonous.

氧气和二氧化碳也会经由气孔出入。Oxygen and carbon dioxide also pass through the stomata.

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光合速率高低与气孔阻力有关。RP was correlated with stomata resistance and transpiration rate.

植物体通过气孔吸入空气并且传递出水分。Plants breath in air and breath out moisture through tiny pores called stomata.

气孔是植物控制气体交换和调节水分散失的门户。The function of stomata in plants is controlling gas exchange and modulating water balance.

大多数植物显示出一种节奏性变化,在有光照时气孔张开,黑暗中气孔关闭。Most plants exhibit a stomatal rhythm whereby the stomata open in light and close in darkness.

水分透过位于植物叶子下侧的气孔散发出去。Water exits plants through their stomata. Stomata are located on the undersides of plant leaves.

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结果表明,花瓣、苞片和花萼上、下表皮均有气孔分布。The results showed that stomata distributed in upper and lower epidermis of petal, bract and calyx.

当太阳升起时,这些保卫细胞充气并膨胀,打开了气孔,即开始了光合作用。When the sun rises, the guard cells inflate and bulge to open the stomata , and photosynthesis begins.

提示,NO可以调控胸膜淋巴孔,促进胸膜腔淋巴吸收。It is suggested that NO can increase lymph absorption of the pleura by relaxing pleural lymphatic stomata.

通过对传统的植物叶片气孔观察方法的改良,建立了一种观察单子叶植物气孔的有效方法。We have built an efficient method to observe the stomata of monocotyledon by improving the traditional one.

在自然干旱条件下,梨树叶片气孔密度增大,而气孔相对开张度却变小。Under natural drought condition, the density of stomata increased, but relative opening degree of stomata decreased.

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二参泽术汤调控腹膜淋巴孔,促腹水转归机制,可能与内源性NO的变化存在着密切的关系。The effect of Ershen Zeshu Mixture on lymphatic stomata and ascites drainage maybe have relationship with endogenous NO.

气孔包含两个保卫细胞,会视植物需要留住或排放水分而打开或闭合。The stomata include two guard cells that open and close depending on whether the plants need to hold on to or lose water.

目前标本的气孔长轴多数与叶片长轴平行也与落羽杉属植物的气孔的长轴方向不同。The walls of the epidermal cells are straight, and the long axis of stomata is mostly parallel to mid-vein in our specimens.

报道了组培枣树大田苗与原种枣树大田苗在气孔性状上的差别。The difference in stomata characters between tissue-cultured jujube tree and original tree in field is reported in this paper.

长时间盐胁迫使气孔的开放率也降低,越是新分化的叶片盐胁迫对其气孔影响也越大。Long time salt stress also reduced stomatal aperature . Salt stress showed a more notable effect on stomata in the newer differentiation leaf.

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目的观察鼠壁胸膜间皮孔的形态结构,阐明胸膜腔内物质的吸收途径。Objective To explain the routes of absorbing particulates in the pleural cavity by observing the morphosis structure of the mesothelial stomata.

气孔长度狗头枣组培苗与原种苗的差异最大,木枣的差异最小。The difference in stomata length between tissue-cultured "Goutouzao" and original seedling is maximum, and the difference of "Muzao" is minimum.

“我们的第一篇文章揭示了温度与蒸腾作用以及气孔密度之间的联系,”Dilcher在印第安纳大学通讯稿中谈到。"Our first paper shows connection between temperature, transpiration, and stomata density, " Dilcher said in a Indiana University press release.