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他在林荫道上跑着。He ran down the avenue.

下一站,世纪大道。Next stop Shiji Avenue.

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这是条林阴大道。This is a shady avenue.

曾经在那芳草东大街上。Ever on the east herb avenue.

风顺着林荫道呼啸而来。The wind roars up the avenue.

我不住在大华街。I don't live on Da Hua Avenue.

我的地址是第九大街962号吗?Is my address 962 Ninth Avenue?

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我们走上世纪大道。When we walk on Century Avenue.

我住在公园大道东路5188号。I live at 5188 East Park Avenue.

我的地址是第九大街942号吗?Is my address 942 Ninth Avenue ?

虹桥路的一幢高层建筑。It's highrise on Rainbow Avenue.

出来到了寂静的弗拉特布什大道。Out to a sleepy Flatbush Avenue.

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你好!下一站是幸福的大街…Hello! Next stop is happy Avenue.

我的地址是利学胡同15号。My address is at 15 Lixue Avenue.

他们喜欢在林荫道上漫步。They liked to walk in the avenue.

你在第五大道上也可能找到。maybe you can find on 5th avenue.

来克伍德中央大道1472号。B. 1472 Central Avenue in Lakewood.

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七十七街跟第三大道路口。Seventy-seven Street, Third Avenue.

采取巴士第202号至中环的途径。Take Bus No. 202 to Central Avenue.

这栋楼在太平洋大街。This building is on Pacific Avenue.