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谁充满了亚拿尼亚的心?Who had filled the heart Ananias?

这便是亚拿尼亚和撒非喇夫妻的故事。So we get the story of Ananias and Sapphira, husband and wife.

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亚拿尼亚和妻子撒非喇的故事在基督徒中广为人知。The story of Ananias and Sapphira is a familiar one to Christians.

问题1。什么罪使亚拿尼亚和撒非喇仆倒在地?。Q. 1 What kind of sin caused Ananias and Sopphira fell down and died?

在前一章,我们看见撒但利用亚拿尼亚和撒非拉来欺哄神。In the previous chapter, Satan tried to use Ananias and Sapphira to cheat God.

有一个人,名叫亚拿尼亚,同他的妻子撒非喇,卖了田产。BUT A certain man named Ananias with his wife Sapphira sold a piece of property.

亚拿尼亚与撒非喇是一对自以为能欺骗神的信徒。Ananias and Sapphira were a couple of believers who thought they could lie to God.

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亚拿尼亚和撒非喇的罪就是挑战圣洁的神和他的教会。The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was an affront to the holiness of God in His church.

大祭司亚拿尼亚,就吩咐旁边站着的人打他的嘴。And the high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth.

马兵来到该撒利亚、把文书呈给巡抚、便叫保罗站在他面前。At this the high priest Ananias ordered those standing near Paul to strike him on the mouth.

因此,亚拿尼亚和他的妻子的罪是缺乏敬畏,并干犯了神的圣洁。Thus, the sin of Ananias and his wife was a sin of irreverence, a sin against God's holiness.

罪极少令人觉得这是罪,反令人觉得这是精明、有理及有气派。Ananias and Sapphira lie about their giving. Sin seldom feels like sin. It feels smart, justified, regal.

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阿纳尼雅一听这话,就跌倒断了气。凡听见的人,都十分害怕。And Ananias hearing these words, fell down, and gave up the ghost. And there came great fear upon all that heard it.

亚拿尼亚回答说,主阿,我听见许多人说,这人怎样在耶路撒冷多多苦害你的圣徒。Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem

又看见了一个人,名叫亚拿尼亚,进来按手在他身上,叫他能看见。And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight.

亚拿尼亚回答说,主阿,我听见许多人说,这人怎样在耶路撒冷多多苦害你的圣徒。Lord," Ananias answered, "I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem.

亚拿尼亚和撒非喇也决定如此,只是这对夫妇留下一部分价银,却说他们把全部价银交了出来。Ananias and Sapphira decided to do likewise. But the couple kept some money back despite declaring that they had given the whole amount.

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过了五天,大祭司亚拿尼亚同几个长老,和一个律师帖土罗来了,他们向总督控告保罗。And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders, and with a certain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul.

过了五天,大祭司亚拿尼亚,同几个长老,和一个辩士帖土罗,下来,向巡抚控告保罗。And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders, and with a certain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul.

大数的扫罗是突然归信的,但在亚拿尼亚带着安慰的话来到他那里之前,无人比他经历更大的对黑暗的恐惧。Saul of Tarsus was converted on a sudden, but no man ever went through a greater horror of darkness than he did before Ananias came to him with the words of comfort.