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在一个路边的茶馆里。In a roadside teahouse.

那我就先在这家茶楼休息一会儿。I'll take a rest at this teahouse.

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从茶馆里走出几个纨绔子弟。A few fops came out of the teahouse.

茶馆里又发生了一场打斗。Another dust-up took place in the teahouse.

小李,为什么这家荼馆叫“老舍荼馆”呢?Xiao Li, why is the teahouse named Lao She?

故事发生在老北京的一间茶馆里。It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing.

在这间茶坊里我好像活在中国古代。I feel like I'm in old China at this teahouse.

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那些酒客茶客是不知道的。Never will guests in the bar or teahouse know.

茶馆中的一个妇女在洗盘子。A woman washes the dishes in the same teahouse.

这是北京老茶馆里上演的一段表演,清朝宫廷舞。This is a performance in a teahouse of Beijing.

她在茶馆附近,自一座很长的人行桥上跌落下去。She fell off a long footbridge near the teahouse.

我明白了。那我们在荼馆能喝到什以荼呢?I see. What kind of tea can we have in the teahouse?

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那位老大爷经常到茶馆里喝茶。The old man often goes to the teahouse to drink tea.

去望江公园的老茶馆喝茶怎么样?How about going to the teahouse at Wangjiang Tower Park?

紧挨着蓝天宾馆的是一家茶馆吗?。Is it a teahouse close to the blue sky hotel ? Yes, it is.

文佛山茶道馆是景区最有神韵的一景。Wenfu Teahouse is one of the most enthralling attractions.

它叫我们茶馆作为街坊四邻的活动中心。It asks us the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood.

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在一天的任何时候,在家抑或在茶馆,中国人都会喝茶。The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at home or in teahouse.

像我这样的人算是坐不起这样的茶馆了。The likes of me won't be able to afford a seat in such a posh teahouse.

居室一隅巧设计,小小阳台变茶室。Bedroom corner is designed opportunely , small balcony changes teahouse.