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我瞎猜的。I guess blindly.

他盲目相信一切印刷品。He accepted blindly anything printed.

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万万不可盲目选择男士内裤。Must not blindly select men's underwear.

我们常常盲目地相信大牌。We tend to blindly trust high-end brands.

那么,为什么我们还盲目追崇专家呢?So why, then, do we blindly follow experts?

他们仓惶盲目地寻找著出路。They tumble blindly as they make their way.

决不要盲目地机械地照搬洋东西。Never copy foreign thing blindly or mechanically.

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不要为一个男人去盲目的改变自己。Shouldnot be a man goes to change itself blindly.

这便是“茶禅一味”思想的先河。This is the "Zen tea blindly" thinking precedent.

我站在那里,两眼漫无目的地往公园那边看来看去。I stood there, staring blindly across at the park.

决不要盲目地机械地照搬洋东西。Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.

不要盲目地或机械地照搬外国的东西。Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.

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否则,你就是毫无目标地盲目冲浪。Otherwise, you’ll surf blindly and without reason.

总的来说,中学生不能盲目追星。Overall, the students can not be blindly Starchaser.

你们不应该盲目地要求人民币升值,”他表示。You cannot blindly demand the yuan to rise," he said.

不要盲目的相信所有你读到的和听到的。Never blindly believe anything you read or hear about.

盲目引进一些国外俱乐部管理模式。Blindly introduces some overseas club management patterns.

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她下来的时候,两手盲目地摸索双杠。Her hands blindly groped for the bars as she came back down.

记者问唐正最后比赛中只用了一味调料是怎么想的。Reporter asked Tang Zheng sauce just blindly is the last game.

这一结论可谓对盲目推崇新公共服务的一种“超越”。This conclusion may be a"surmounting"to esteeming NPS blindly.